One of the fact I heard that there are more COVID-19 infections in NY is the fact that people have to use subway and other public transportation system to move around. Looking at some of the pictures, it reminds me of rush hours in Japan. Public Transportation is a good idea but when it comes to containing infections like ...
Vol. 05 There are many types of websites around the world, but I have been saying that creating a long marketing message is bad. People do not have a ...
Vol.05 世の中にはたくさんの種類のウェブサイトがあります。私は長いマーケティングメッセージは非効率的だと思います。お客様は、長い文章やメッセージを読まないからです。メッセージは簡潔に伝えるべきです。またウェブサイトも同様です。どんなに載っている情報が有益であっても、ウェブサイトを訪れた人はそこ...
投稿日 2020-04-02 10:33
ウチクラ ケンイチ
We had assorted Jimmy John's sandwiches. I like their sandwiches.
It is not a normal time we are passing. You think about what would happen if you catch Coronavirus? Will my throat gets sore? Will I cough? Will I sneeze? Will I have a ...... If you worry to much, you feel like your treat is sore, cough and sneeze ... I need to take it easy.
Remote Work If remote work is great for a company, every company should be doing it. The fact is, that remote work is an alternative to working in the office in many cases. Remote work is not ideal for small companies that feature many decision changes. One of the most significant advantages that small companies have o...
We had a sandwich day today. I talk everyone who come to the company to keep our Internet service going for 40,000+ companies.
投稿日 2020-03-31 09:55
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I am checking my temperature every morning and try to exercise (walk) if I can in the morning. I am starting to wear masks the I meet people. This is a scaredy time.
During the difficult time, we are trying to help other small companies by placing lunch order every weekday. Today we had wonderful catering company brought us lunch. The Catering Company https://www.ordercatering.com/
投稿日 2020-03-31 09:01
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