Recently users have been reporting spam comments from "replica watches". This morning we have removed all comments with "replica watches" in the comment name. Aggressive spam control like this does not happen often and is meant to make bloguru a better place for all. Feel free to drop us a line if you have any comments regarding this update.
This morning bloguru was updated to resolve several user reported issues involving the following:
Improved download blog function
Adding/Removing buddies in the Admin User Interface
Added functionality to prevent double posts
Inserting a non-bloguru URL in comments
Encoding issues with email posts
As always if you have any questions regarding this update please let us know in the comments or via email. Thank you for continuing to support bloguru as we continue to work towards a better bloguru experience for all.
Today bloguru was updated with a new classics - top freespace skin "Business Red" as well as gave bloguru a new logo. If you have any questions regarding these updates please let us know in the comments or via email.
We are thinking of coming up with a tag line and would like your input! Below is a list of six (6) lines we are thinking about, please vote for your favorite. Think you can come up with a better line? Let us know in the comments!