
Tai: Diary


Radio Juicy

https://radiojuicy.com/page/about https://radiojuicy.com/page/about
以前に紹介した事のあるDevaloopPhilanthropeを扱っているドイツのラジオ局 & 音楽レーベルで、お気に入りになりました。以下YouTubeの「Radio Juicy S02E38」は、多くの70〜80年代のアメリカの曲を使用していると思いますが、中盤以降の曲は、誰の曲か忘れましたが手元にあると思います。古くはJazzanova、他にはDeep House Cat Showの管理人のAlex B. GrooveやインディーズのSpaze Winduなど、ドイツの音楽の傾向は好きです。



MSP: Transformational Flow

https://www.axelos.com/best-p... https://www.axelos.com/best-practice-solutions/msp/what-is-msp

  1. Identifying a Programme

    • The trigger for initiating the overall programme management process.
    • Typically a short process, perhaps taking only a few weeks or less, which turns the idea into a tangible business concept.

  2. Defining a Programme

    • Provides the basis for deciding whether to procees with the programme or not.
    • The programme brief is used as the starting point for developing the programme definition information in more detail.
    • The business case and governance for the programme will now be developed.

  3. Managing the Tranches

    • Implement the defined programme management governance strategies for the programme, ensure that the capability delivery is aligned to the strategic direction of the organization, and enable the release of benefits.
    • Used for overseeing "Delivering the Capacity" and "Realizing the Benefits," providing the high-level direction, guidance and control.
    • 「Delivering the Capacity」と「Realizing the Benefits」で作成中、または作られた成果物が、戦略に沿っているか、予算は足りているか、などレビューして、問題ない場合「Closing a Programme」に進むと思われる。

  4. Delivering the Capacity

    • Covers the activities for coordinating and managing project delivery according to the programme plan.
    • Delivery from the projects dossier provides the new outputs that enable the capabilities described in the blueprint.
    • Repeated for each tranche of the programme.
    • Delivers the capability defined in the blueprint through the projects defined in the projects dossier.
    • 個々のプロジェクトを開始し、成果物を作るプロセスと思われる。

  5. Realizing the Benefits

    • Manage the benefits from their initial identification to their successful realization.
    • The activities cover monitoring the progress of the projects to ensure that the outputs are fit for purpose and can be integrated into operations such that the benefits can be realized.
    • Incorporates the planning and management of the transition from old to new ways of working and the achievement of the outcomes, whilst ensuring that the operational stability and performance of the operations are repeated as necessary for each tranche of the programme.
    • 「Delivering the Capacity」の成果物を運用移行するプロセスと思われる。ベネフィットを確認し、古い運用は廃止される。

  6. Closing a Programme

    • Ensure the end goal or formally recognizing that the progreamme is completed.



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