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佐藤守男命日章旗返還式に参列したアレクサの手記/佐賀県で戦没者遺霊品を返還(Returning the remains of the war dead in SAGA)

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佐藤守男命日章旗返還式雑感 「Alexandra De Leon」

ーSaga Flag Return CeremonyーAlexandra De Leon
This past Tuesday, October 11, 2002, I had the honor of attending a ceremony to return a yosegaki hinomaru to the family of a Japanese soldier in the small town of Sefuri-machi in Kanzaki City, Saga prefecture.
As a PhD student in Japanese history, I have been studying the return of personal items of Japanese soldiers taken as war trophies during WWII since 2018, but this was my first time attending a return ceremony in person.
Satou Yoshiko received the flag of her brother-in-law who died in WWII, Satou Morio. The ceremony took place at the school he had attended as a boy in Sefuri-machi. She stated that they never received his remains and had no other personal effects of his left, so this is a precious last relic.
This ceremony was unique because it marked the first time that a war souvenir was returned to Japan from an American military institution, the New Mexico Military Museum. During WWII, the 200th Coast Artillery, based out of New Mexico, became a part of the Bataan Death March, and the legacy of that experience still lingers in the local community.
It is especially powerful that this community and the New Mexico National Guard decided to repatriate the flag. To me, this return is not only a gesture of peace and friendship between the US and Japan, but an act of empathy - a choice to see Japanese soldiers and their families as not fundamentally different from American ones, but the same. A choice to recognize their shared desires to mourn and honor their deceased loved ones.
In a video message played at the ceremony, Margaret Garcia, the daughter of a Bataan Death March survivor who was instrumental in returning the flag, stated that the flag is being returned not just to a person, but from one community to another.
After the ceremony, I saw community members gather to look at the flag and read the messages, which had been transcribed into modern Japanese. Some recognized the names on the flag as neighbors or family members. I could feel the connection between the local community and the deep history of the flag, and I felt that Margaret Garcia’s words were correct.
What it means to honor the dead, especially those who died in battle, is a question that can be fraught with political, cultural, and emotional tension. But acts of empathy, like returning this yosegaki hinomaru, have a way of connecting people across generations and cultures, to remind us of not only our shared grief and loss, but also our shared humanity.
佐賀での日章旗返還式「アレクサンドラ ディ リヨン」


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