- Join Pearl Harbor hero Ed Johann in supporting OBON SOCIETY's Spring Fundraiser
If you could put a price on what it would cost to heal emotional wounds that have existed for generations, how much would it be? And if an organization existed that fostered this type of healing for families, would you consider supporting it?
If so, you need not look any further than the OBON SOCIETY.
Our mission is to return “Good Luck flags” (Yosegaki Hinomaru) to families in Japan who have long awaited any information about the loved one they lost so many years ago on the battlefields of World War II.
Your gift not only supports these flags being returned to Japan, but everything that goes along with that compassionate gesture and how the OBON SOCIETY has paved the way for people from two formally warring countries to enter into a new relationship.
Ed Johann has been a supporter of OBON SOCIETY for almost a decade. Ed and five other WWII veterans from the Pacific Northwest, in 2015, traveled to Japan with OBON SOCIETY to witness the return of 70 flags. He was inspired by the closure the flags brought to the families and has since become an ambassador of OBON SOCIETY.
To learn more about Ed Johann, check out our Intimate Stories on Youtube!
https://youtu.be/74VvpTn77FY (Part 1)
https://youtu.be/j0EZ_QwOpz8 (Part 2)
https://youtu.be/WVuyCJB1VYU (Part 3)
Ed would be happy to send his autograph to you when you send a self-addressed envelope with your donation to OBON SOCIETY.
Click here to donate now! https://obonsociety.org/eng/page/support
A big thank you from the team of OBON SOCIETY and Ed Johann!
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