Please enjoy sake with an appropriate amount of food over time, rather than chugging down sake at once. The appropriate amount of sake that prevents s...
By Ryuji Takahashi I continue to push myself despite feeling exhausted during the month of December, a busy and hectic month with no chance to rest un...
Sake production process Sake production cleverly uses the microbial functions of koji mold, yeast, etc. in various tasks. The sake production method ...
By Kosuke Kuji This series introduces the sake representative of each season. This report introduces the winter “draft sake.” Hot sake is delicious du...
Please avoid exposure to ultraviolet light when storing sake - very harmful to the quality of sake - or direct sunlight. The quality of sake will degr...
By Ryuji Takahashi The 2023 Beaujolais Nouveau was released on November 16. I am sure many of our readers are familiar with this wine, so to explain s...
Sake tasting typically starts by evaluating the color. Most sake products sold today are colorless. Sake brewed today is pressed, decanted, and then f...
By Kosuke Kuji This report introduces representative seasonal sake. In this issue, we introduce “Autumn released draft sake” enjoyed in the fall seaso...
Warming Terms and TemperaturesAround 41F: Chilly from the snow (chilly in snow weather) Around 50F: Chilly spring weather, refrigerate for approxima...
By Ryuji TakahashiThe Japanese celebrate World Sake Day on October 1, marked with various sake events organized nationwide. October 1 is designated as...