What is CRM? Definition: "Customer-relationship management is an approach to manage a company's interaction with current and potential customers. It uses data analysis about customers' history with a company to improve business relationships with customers, specifically focusing on customer retention and ultimately drivin...
Your browser does not support iframes. http://www.clickitaudio.com If you do not like your own voice, like I do, we recommend to use the service by Woodstock Media Group. We use their service for on-hold audio as well as ClickItAudio audio recordings. https://woodstockmediagroup.com/clickit-audio ClickItAudio is a serv...
Ojyama Shimasu Dear Reader, The Japanese expression “Ojyama Shimau” means “I will disturb you” or “I will get in your way.” You use this to enter some...
投稿日 2019-04-19 10:37
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Woodstock Media Group is an official audio recording partner of PSPinc and ClickItAudio service. Embed audio into your website is never been easier. https://woodstockmediagroup.com/clickit-audio
I just got locked Samsung S8 phone for testing. I have not used android phone for a longtime but it looks like a good phone.
I purchase unlocks Galaxy S8 for testing. I will let you know what I am testing when the time comes. I found this refurbished S8 for $199.99 on eBay. It isa good price and good enough for testing an Android Smart Phone. https://kiroboto.com/Seattle_WA/Posts/view/Samsung_Galaxy_S8/20190414/2184
The week two of April is almost over. We had many projects going at the same time. It was a busy week. I am starting to realize I need to wear reading glasses.
Penny Wise And Pound Foolish Dear Reader, If you try to save money by buying something cheaper, only to find out later the one you bought was not like...
Why do you want to consider Opinion Stand for your store? (1) Opinion Stand is the only device that enables you to listen to the people who has visited your store but not purchased anything. (2) You can see the trend of the people's opinion. (3) Next version will allow your customer to send more detailed reason for their...
We have just updated the Opinion Stand web site. http://opinionstand.com We are now working with selected customers to test the opinion stand at their locations.