Although AI seems like a newer concept, it’s actually been around for quite some time. In fact, the first instance of modern AI happened in 1956 at the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence (DSRPAI). There, the term, artificial intelligence was coined after Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw, and Herbert Simon pr...
Have you ever wanted to collect information from your customers on your website? There are many times when you would like to receive your customers’ input. And many do so by creating a survey or an inquiry form. Without input from your customers, your website is just a medium for transmission and reporting. Si...
When you think of branding, you probably think of the big brands: Apple, Coca-Cola, Netflix, you name it. For brands as big as those, you can almost immediately picture their logos. And that’s the true testament to how successful those companies are. But branding is much more than just the logo. However, the word, bran...
We are thrilled to announce that we've released an all-new feature to Click It Audio that allows users to add a logo or image to their QR code. If you already have an account with Click It Audio, all you need to do is: Login to Click It Audio Click the QR Code icon Upload your image under "Add Logo Image" Resize your im...
At PSPINC, we pride ourselves in offering our customers the best in customer support. This is thanks to our amazing support staff. In this series, we will highlight and showcase a number of those friendly faces who are standing by to take your call and/or email, help with your IT problems, and assist with your online solut...
The point of Help Desk software is to help you provide better customer service more efficiently. You can have wonderful, friendly and knowledgeable cu...
POST IN HEAVEN 天国のメッセージボード 世の中には何の意味もないサイトが存在します。これはわたしが作ったそんなサイトのお話です。 2年前にわたしは愛犬のポンポンくんを天国に送り出しました。ペットをお持ちの方ならそれがどれだけ辛いかお分かりいただけると思います。そこでわたしは天国にいるポ...
POST IN HEAVEN This website has no purpose ... or does it? When I lost my dog, Pompom, two years ago, I created a website to send message to him in He...
There’s no doubt about it: If you have customers, you should have a program for Customer Relationship Management (CRM). To grow and scale, every compa...
Last week we talked about the importance of having a company privacy policy visible to customers on your website. Today let’s discuss more etiquette t...