投稿日 2016-01-26 16:42
このブログ、毎日書こうとしているが物ぐさな私にはそのようにも行かない事が多い。 そんな私には都合のよい機能が付いている。 後日になってからでも遡り 空欄だった日の記事を埋めることができる。 1週間ほど空欄にしても埋め合わせて見れば カレンダー上では毎日書いているように見えてしまう。 これを良い事にし...
Do you know what this is? If you do and if you can find one, please let me know. I would like to add it to our museum. In addition to the computer above, I would like to add Commodore Amiga IBM PC, XT, AT and PS/2 Compaq Portable, Portable II and Deskpro 386 NeXT Computer Apple Newton
It has been five years since my daughter, Anna, has passed away. But she always lives in my heart. (She is not getting old either.)
There are many different 404 page (page not found) error page but this one is very cute.
I shot 83 today. One stroke worse than my best score. I'm very happy. Sent via bloguru mobile.
I found this at Costco ... I had to get it fir Tiny. $39.99 ... It is not cheap but considering Tiny needs 1/2 every day for 4-6 weeks and after that 1/2 every other day. This bottle will last almost a year and half. Iftshis works (Costco casher told me this is great), it is a very small investment.
At our January 20 meeting, we officially welcomed two new members to Seattle Execs by presenting them with a yellow badge. Erik Nordstrom is an Investor & Manager with Ironridge Investments. Debra Ricci is a Manger also with Inronridge Investments. They are part of the Three Musketeers (including Erik Strom) ...
One of the signs that you are owned by your dog is that you will find a plastic bags in your jacket pocket. I did find plastic bags on my pocket. Sent via bloguru mobile.
I am trying to see what weekly.com is about. http://uchikura.weebly.com <- I created one page. Since it is free (I think) ... I will spend more time later.
There is not a single month that passes without some kind of issue arises from the buildings you own. Thanks to Josh Miller of Wirecraft Electric, we are replacing many flood lights to LED lights which should last 20 years. Hopefully those lights will not be my problem in 20 years. http://www.wirece.com