We know that ginseng is healthy for the body. But how does ginseng promote health? and is it beneficial for the long term? The short answer is yes, it is generally beneficial to our microbiome health for the long term. A report in the July 2018 Journal of Ginseng Research (Volume 42, Issue 3; see https://doi.org/10.1016/j....
It is striking how the holistic health traditions of Asia seem to parallel modern innovative Ai driven health care pursuits. This includes data driven...
Sage possesses a number of properties that support brain health. Camphor, carnosic acid, carnosol, and phenolic acids are among the known anti-oxidant...
Curcumin a powerful anti-inflamatory herb/ spice, is a key compound found in turmeric root. Scientists now believe that chronic, low-level inflammation plays a major role in almost every chronic, Western disease. This includes diseases of the heart and brain, such as Alzheimer's. Neurons are capable of forming new connec...
The gut microbiome is a vast ecosystem of organisms such as bacteria, yeasts, fungi, viruses and protozoans that live in our digestive pipes, which co...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation are critical components to the future of business. Some experts say, “AI will add nearly $16 trillion to t...
When you consider your marketing or sales process, where do you see the cracks? Is there room for improvement? Do you need to boost productivity in an...
Automation in the workplace is an interesting field with growing opportunity. Automating your business processes can prove to be beneficial, but it ca...
投稿日 2019-04-18 23:34
コーヒー・菓子製造などを手がける「ネスレ日本」(兵庫県神戸市)は、2019年4月19日~29日に東京・六本木ヒルズアリーナで開催される日本酒のイベント「CRAFT SAKE WEEK」に、全国15種類のキットカットが食べられる「ご当地キットカット ペアリングBAR」を出店します。 「ご当地キットカッ...
投稿日 2019-04-15 23:45
自信過剰な新任検察官がAIの殺意立証のために奔走する近未来法廷サスペンス『センターライン』が、2019年4月20日より公開されます。 人工知能技術が発達し、自動運転が普及した近未来。車同士の正面衝突による死亡事故が発生します。交通部配属となった新任検察官の「米子天々音」は手柄を立てるために、自動...