The show on the ground is reminded me of slurpee. It’s very wet and heavy. I hate driving I this condition. I need a car wash. Kenichi Uchikura Presid...
Before your customer decide to leave your company, you should know what your customers' opinions are about your company or service. https://opinionsta...
Another very cold morning in Bellevue ... Be warm and be safe. Kenichi Uchikura President / CEO Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. ken.uchikura@pspinc....
First Japan beat Germany at the opening. Today, Japan beat Spain. Japan is going to the next stage. WOW! Kenichi Uchikura President / CEO Pacific Soft...
Dreamersi (Pronouce Dreamers-eye) is PSPINC's main domain, web and email hosting platform since 1996. It is Linux based but base a lot on our own prop...
Passwizard is not an iPhone App but you can create an icon to start Passwizard with one click. https://passwizard.com Kenichi Uchikura President / CEO...
The first day of the last month of 2022. It is clear morning with some left over snow on the ground. Some employees have too much snow at their house ...
When I left Seattle, there was no sign of snow but when I got to Bellevue, there are snow on the ground. I went to Safe way to get some creme puffs fo...
Market research is meaningless There’s a lot of information out there about market size, trends, and so on. People who wonder if they should start the...
You can use Passwizard to hold just about any information such as "Banking", "Credit Card", "Membership", "WiFi Setup" and so on. The first 30 informa...