投稿日 2018-07-08 10:39
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
会社が出来て31年になりました。わたしもいい加減おっさんになった気がします。 速いですね。速すぎます。 これから何年続けられるのかな〜〜〜 少なくともこのスピードで・・・そんなことを考えるようになりました。...
PSPinc became 31 years old today. Happy birthday to me ~~~ I went down to Olympia, State Capital to register Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. 31 years ago.
投稿日 2018-07-07 09:03
ウチクラ ケンイチ
It has became a traction to send the gift of cherries from Washington State to our clients and friends in Japan this time of the year.
See us at the Jaoan Fair 2018 starting tomorrow. http://www.pspinc.com http://www.uchikura.co http://www.japanfairus.org
投稿日 2018-07-04 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
This year we will have some Carrot Tea from Kumamoto. Please come visit us at Uchikura & Co booth at Japan Fair 2018 http://japanfairus.org
Please join me at PSP Children's Golf Tournament at Aldarra Golf Club benefitting University of Washington Foster School of Business. Here are some reasons why you should join me. (1) Good cause ... Five $5,000 scholarship to UW Foster Business School Students. (2) Play at one of the best private golf courses in the Stat...
投稿日 2018-07-02 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Many small stores are being forced out of business by large stores. Many large store chains are closing because they cannot compete with Internet. Internet stores are buying Brick and Motor stores. What is going on?
People are working long hours to make sure we can deliver the products on time ... This was out dinner last night. People love Ezell's Famous Chicken.
I used to use Aperture software from Apple ... then they stop supporting it. So I had to switch to Photos ... The transfer was not very good and I had to re-enter a lot of text. Now with almost 133,000 photos, Photos is crapping out on me often. Apple is loosing its quality control.
I reported on NE 8th reducing speed from 35 Mph to 25Mph few days ago. It is now reduced to 25Mph. Well, actually city is doing some construction and lanes are reduces from 4 lanes to 2 lanes. That was the reason for this speed reduction of 10Mph. I understand the reason for this completely. But when it was announced...