City of Fukuoka turned old unused school buildings in to a cowering space for start ups. What a great idea!!!
投稿日 2019-02-01 09:09
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Mediterranean Kitchen Catering ... Nice!!!
投稿日 2019-02-01 09:01
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
バグ、お金そして夢 「バグ、お金そして夢」これは私おの会社で研究開発部隊でいつも考えるようにしている物事の順番なのです。「バグ、お金そして夢」がどう言う意味か、それを今日は説明させていただきます。 もっとも優先度の高いこと、それが「バグ」なのです。バグとはプログラムやシステムの不具合。操作ミスを含め...
Bug, Money, and Dream Dear Reader, I always tell my R&D team to take care of business by focusing on fixing bugs, money, and dream in that order. ...
What is ranking? When you type something into a search engine there are typically 10 website links that appear on the first page, with multiple pages ...
I hope Tiny will live long... I do not want to loose another one.
投稿日 2019-01-31 09:17
ウチクラ ケンイチ
We know it’s important to keep web content to a minimum and try to get our point across in as few words as possible. Too much text on a screen is a tu...
投稿日 2019-01-30 12:57
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I was never asked this question before. I alway assumed that to promote yourself or company, you need a homepage. But do you really need a homepage? I really have to think about this!!!
It is not new, this was my first time I visited there. Friendly people with good selection of coffee and things to eat. It is refreshing to see someone other than Starbuck.