I turned 60 today.
Process and Result In a perfect world, if the process is good, you can expect good results. But this is not a perfect world. A good process often does...
投稿日 2019-08-30 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Showing off the Opinion Stand Papyrus version to Lewis Rudd of Ezell's Famous Chicken. https://www.ezellschicken.com http://www.opinionstand.com
Thank you Lewis and Dennis for giving us great inputs to improve Opinion Stand. http://www.opinionstand.com
We discussed the ease in which you can create a newsletter using NewsMail templates in our last blog post, but why do you need to send a newsletter in...
投稿日 2019-08-29 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
We have just completed and release the "Save the Tea House" web site. Please take a look. https://www.savetheteahouse.org Note: The site is deigned and developed using PSPinc's web site development software called Web de Xpress.
Mayumi is coming back tonight from LA ... Western Foodservice & Hospitality Expo where we have displayed Opinion Stand. Looking forward to hearing the result.
投稿日 2019-08-28 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
You try your best to grow but what is going to happen often be out of your control. Just be ready for anything. I mean anything.
It couldn’t be easier to create a professional newsletter, create email marketing campaigns, broadcast, and track emails using NewsMail. Create unlimi...
I am Ganko (Japanese word for stubborn). I will never forget the favor people given me, at the same time I will never forget the people who did me wrong. I may not say anything but that does not mean I forgot or forgave. I am Ganko. ;) This is not a very good character for the head of the company. Or is it.