We’re excited to share with you that our online community platform, DENREI, now has an app available to download for free in the app store for U.S users! We still have the desktop version available, but we specifically developed the app to improve usability for the user. With the app, users will no longer have to configur...
YourHost はShopSite 社のショッピングカートシステムのナショナルホスティングパートナーで、簡単で信頼性の高いEコマースサイトを作成できるPSPINC のホスティングサービスのひとつです。今月は、ShopSite の全プランを10% オフでご利用いただけるキャンペーンを実施中です。 現...
YourHost is PSPINC’s hosting service that uses award-winning ShopSite tools to create easy and reliable e-commerce sites. This month, we’re running a promotion for customers to get 10% off on all our ShopSite plans. Our YourHost page on the website now shows the discounted prices for each of our three plans and ...
Marketing As a Means for Sales Today I would like to talk about marketing. There are all kinds of ways of marketing people can choose from. While ther...
投稿日 2022-04-14 02:00
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
目的と手段 今日は、マーケティングについてお話をしたいと思います。世の中には数々のマーケティングの種類があります。どれも成功するという保証はありませんが、成功しないという保証もありません。では、成功とは何なのでしょうか。 まず、マーケティングとはものを売るための手段です。ですから、ものが売れればマー...
With more than half (about 54.4%) of website traffic worldwide coming from mobile devices in 2021, making sure your site works on a mobile device is crucial. It not only has to function well but look aesthetically pleasing too. But with all the focus on mobile devices, businesses have started investing in developing an app. It ...
It has been 45 day since my surgery. I wish I could say I am all well but I can't. I still have more to go. Thank you for all your support. Kenichi Uc...
I have drained 5 litters of liquid from my stomach. I feel very released. Kenichi Uchikura President / CEO Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. ken.uchik...
インターネットが普及する以前は、人々は仕事でもプライベートでも、直接会うことで人脈を作っていました。しかし今は、誰もがオンラインで繋がっています。そしてSNS も欠かせないものになりました。 例えば、ビジネス・キャリア向けのLinkedIn は、同僚との繋がりや雇用機会の発掘の場として活用されていま...
Before the internet, people made connections, both personal and professional, by meeting them in person. Now, everyone’s online. It’s hard not to be. Having an online profile on a social networking site can say a lot about you. On platforms like LinkedIn, it shows people how you want to present yourself to your work p...