[開発の背景] 毎日届く大量のスパムにイライラした経験はありませんか?スパムやウイルスを送るときに、自分の本物のメールアドレスから送る人はいません。最近のスパムは色々な手口を使ってくるので、ボットや悪意のあるスパマーからのメールと、そうでないメールを識別するために、今回送信元メールアドレスの認証機能...
Background of Development Are you ever frustrated with the large amounts of spam every day? When cybercriminals send spam or viruses via email, they never send them from their actual email addresses. These days, spam emails come in all sorts of different ways. So, we developed a feature to identify emails coming fr...
When marketing a business successfully, a lot of research, strategy, and execution goes into it. But what works for one company won’t necessarily work...
When developing products for your business, it’s important to remember your audience. Regardless of what industry you’re in, customers regard you as e...
For small businesses, transparency towards your customers is important. Especially if it affects a potential customer’s overall experience with the br...
Business success rarely ever happens overnight. But a lot of successful endeavors include some form of risk. And larger businesses can likely recover easily if it doesn’t pan out. However, it isn’t as easy for small businesses. But a business will never grow if they play it safe forever. The key is taking small but calc...
Communication is one of the most important aspects of running a business. But communication goes both ways. You can’t just speak; you have to listen too. Here at PSPINC, we encourage everyone to speak up, even if it’s about something small. But most problems generally start small, so it’s our chance to tackle the...
As a business that sells to other businesses, it’s hard to sell and retain those customers sometimes. But what we’ve found very helpful is taking the focus of our company. Instead, we put the focus on our customers. It’s not about trying to get what we need from them; it’s about giving them what they need. When ...
There’s nothing you can’t learn. So, you shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help when you don’t understand something. Yet, it happens all the time in business. Not knowing something doesn’t mean you’re incompetent. But many make that assumption when it just isn’t true. All it means is that you’re inexperienc...
As a small business, the goal is always to grow. And helping small businesses grow online is our specialty. But that growth very rarely happens overnight. Even when things go viral, it usually only lasts a few weeks before people’s interests lessen and that momentum ends. Sustained growth, however, is something that h...