Today we released a new HTML5 clock design. This photo-realistic wrist watch will look great on your website or blog. Click here to start using the clock today. Thank you for using Clocklink.com!
Today we have updated Bloguru with fixes for the recent bugs. The fixes include: -Multiple Image Uploader errors now appear properly localized when your language is set to Japanese. -Times should appear in the correct timezones for the aggregator, download log, and access counter. -Image comments will no longer be ...
Thank you for your continued patience and support for Bloguru. We would like to let our Bloguru users know of the most current status of Bloguru. Issues that have been fixed -The new Multiple Image Uploader's lack of support for certain file types -Download Logs fail to be downloaded: download is now functional. Issues t...
We have resolved the problem with our Download Log feature, and we made a small fix so that our advanced uploader will allow upload of files regardless of the capitalization of the file extension. We're still working on getting the other known issues resolved. Thank you for your patience and support, The Bloguru Support ...
Thanks again for your patience during the downtime caused by hardware problems. We would like to inform all users of statuses on some problems that users have been seeing since the recent update. 1. During the time frame in which Bloguru's server was being restored, several users have noticed that their images faile...
Bloguru has been down due to a hardware failure, so we have moved Bloguru to a brand new server. Unfortunately, some of your posts and comments made around the time of the failure, after 1 am PST (5 pm JST) on April 30th may have been lost. We apologize for this inconvenience, and thank you again for your patienc...
The default timezones for users whose language was set to Japanese have all been updated to be Japan Standard Time (JST). Please let us know if your timezone was not updated during this time. Thank you for helping us build a better Bloguru! Bloguru Support Team
Due to user feedback, we will be updating the timezone for users whose language is currently set to Japanese to be Japan Standard Time (JST). Remember, you can always change your timezone in the Admin Panel under Options > Basics. We will post again when the update is complete. Thank you for helping us build a...
Bloguru now supports unlimited image upload. "Choose File" and click "Upload Images". This is the new feature of Bloguru.
Thanks again for your patience during the downtime. We are now happy to announce now Bloguru's new features! We have merged the English and Japanese users on Bloguru. This means when you visit our homepage, you will get to see all of Bloguru's users together. You will also now have the option to choose your def...