The Leads Contest came to a close at yesterday's luncheon. The winner was drawn from the following six members who generated the most leads in a given month.... January: John Brondello III of Time Equipment Company February: Sarah Henry of Gaspar's Construction March: Cheryl Thompson of Complete Office Furnitu...
It's warm out! Don't forget your computer servers need a little cooling too. Computer closet to full blown data center, whether it's an exhaust fan, portable cooling, or built in AC, PSR Mechanical is here to help you determine what you need and get your computer room back under temperatures needed for reliable compute...
Congratulations to Greg Schubert of Schubert Floorcovering. He finished his "Fast Track" and received his membership plaque at our July 23 luncheon. His mentor was Josh Miller of Wire Craft Electric and Neil Bavins of PSR Mechanical was his sponsor. Greg is the Seattle Execs contact for Flooring Sales and Installation.
Hello Bloguru Bloggers! This month's skin features Summer. Thank you for helping us build a better Bloguru! Bloguru Support Team
I noticed this morning I had more than 20 App updates on my iPad. I started updates this morning at my house (slow Internet) but after 30 minuets they were not even done. I finished the rest after I arrived at the office (fast Internet).
PSP Children's Foundation just received notice that we are officially a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization! Our 501(c)(3) status is backdated to September of last year due to the lengthy approval process, but we are very happy to finally have the process completed. PSPCF is taking a break this year from our usual activities ...
Today, we have changed the Facebook Like button on your blog posts to be a Share button instead. Thank you for helping us build a better Bloguru! The Bloguru Support Team
Today is PSPINC's 27th anniversary! Founded on July 7th, 1987 in an apartment on Mercer Island, PSPINC has grown to employ 50 people in four offices over two states. We can't believe how far we've come, and we can't wait to see what the future brings! Here's a flashback to our 25th anniversary in 2012:
Happy Fourth of July from PSP Children's Foundation!
Today we've released some bug fixes for our World Clocks. Timezones that display as UTC+offset on our Flash world clock should now show the correct times. The times on our HTML5 World Clock for Kabul and Ashgabat have also been fixed. Thank you for using Clocklink.com!