Congratulations Shannon McDonald, Director of HR at ServPro of Central Seattle. She finished her "Fast Track" and received her membership plaque at our September 17 meeting. Her mentor was Jeannette Adams Gorman of Socius Law Group. Shannon is our contact when you need cleanup and/or restoration from water or ...
The Leads Committee is working hard to help SEA President, Tracy Johnson of Brown & Brown of WA, achieve her goal of having every member submit a lead a week. At our September 11 meeting, the committee recognized those members who have averaged a lead a week for the period of July 1 - August 31. Way t...
Hello Bloguru Bloggers! We discovered there was a bug with our last set of changes that affected uploading certain jpg files through our advanced uploader, so today we have released a fix. Thank you for helping us build a better Bloguru! Bloguru Support Team
Hello Bloguru Bloggers! To celebrate the upcoming Halloween holiday, we have released a spooky new skin. We've added a new feature to automatically delete inactive accounts. Inactive accounts should receive an email warning a week in advance. If you receive an email warning, just post to your blog to prevent its being ...
After some initial feedback, we have deployed a few style enhancements and bug fixes to the Bloguru home page. Now you can see more posts per page and can more easily view the entry page on mobile devices. If you have any questions about today's deployment, please contact us. Thank you for helping us build a better ...
Today we deployed a new design for Bloguru's home page. The new design is clean, user-friendly, and fits nicely on any screen including tablets and smartphones. We hope you enjoy the new design. As before, a user's blog post will only be highlighted on the Recent Posts section if the blog post contains more than 100 ch...
Congratulations David Monroe, Broker with Keller Williams Eastside. He finished his "Fast Track" and also received his membership plaque at our September 3 luncheon. Her mentor was Josh Miller of Wire Craft Electric and Tom Ritter of Axia Home Loans was his sponsor. David is the contact for Residential Real Estate on ...
Congratulations Malia Di Salvo, Business Account Executive with Verizon Wireless. She finished her "Fast Track" and received her membership plaque at our September 3 luncheon. Her mentor was Cheryl Thompson of Complete Office Furniture and John Pletsch of Electric Pen was her sponsor. Malia is the Seattle Exec's W...
Jim Rogers of Brown & Brown of WA shot a hole-in-one on the 8th hole at Everett Golf and Country Club on Tuesday, July 1. Any golfers dream come true. BUT the story gets even better! Jim's wife Trish was playing golf that day at the Seattle Golf Club at the same time. Trish also shot a hole- in-one that day - on ...
Congratulations Peter Kakoczky, Sales Manager of Mold Solutions NW. He finished his "Fast Track" and received his membership plaque at our August 27 luncheon. His mentor was Steve Greenbaum of Greenbaum Home Furnishings and Traci Tenhulzen of Tenhulzen Residential was his sponsor. Peter is the Exec's contact fo...