Reddit is a forum full of thousands of communities, or subreddits, where people share news, content, and opinions. Seven years ago, Reddit released a free API or Application Programming Interface. With an API, developers can integrate existing software systems into new applications. For example, when signing in to certain ...
We’ve talked about the importance of positive Google reviews, but feedback is important to every business. Especially a small one. Asking for feedback from your customers shows you care. But for businesses, feedback also tells you more about how customers feel about your products, services, and experiences. More im...
Last year, Adobe, the company behind the invention of the PDF and popular programs like Photoshop and Illustrator, announced its plan of acquiring the cloud-based design tool, Figma, for $20 billion. One that even our web designers use here at PSPINC. Adobe has a history of acquiring more than 50 companies in its 40-plus...
日本人のMakoさんによるビューティサロン✨ Gemstar Nail and Beauty Salon では、毎月お得にネイルが出来ちゃうマンスリーネイルスペシャルを実施しています✨ 7月のデザインは、白をベースにお花が可愛くて目を引くデザインです🥰 色は変更が可能なので、お好きな色をセレクトでき...
Tokyoセントラル・マルカイでは、 本日、6/22(木)から7/19(水)まで長野フェアを開催します🥰 長野フェアのチラシはこちらから! 長野フェアのイチオシの商品がこちらの5つ! ✅ YAWATAYA ISOGORO SHICHIMI PEPPER 人気レストランなどで長年愛されている七味唐辛子...
Getting good quality IT support is an underrated service. Only when something breaks do you need to call someone to assist you. So, having a go-to IT company for when you need it is a good idea. When you frequent one company for your IT services, it’ll result in better response times and a better experience overall b...
When you think of music streaming today, you think of Spotify. And there’s a reason for that. Over the last five years, the number of premium Spotify premium users grew from 71 million subscribers in 2017 to 205 million subscribers in 2022. Compared to Apple Music’s 78 million subscribers as of June 2021, Spotify r...
店内の雰囲気も良く、寿司やパスタのクオリティも高かったので、また行きたいと思いました!😋 また、「CinKuni」ではレストランシェフによるクッキングクラスの開催も定期的に行われており、今までに寿司ロールやニョッキの作り方を教えています。 ぜひ、一度足を運んでみてはいかがでしょうか? <Cin Ku...
When you want to look for a new restaurant to go to or get your car serviced, the first place you’ll look is Google. The same can be said when you’re looking for any kind of service from a business. After entering your query into Google, the first thing that’ll pop up is a list of businesses in your local area. And ri...
In case you missed it, Google Analytics is sun-setting Universal Analytics (UA) at the beginning of next month. In 2020, Google Analytics introduced Google Analytics 4 (GA4), giving users the option to use either. Now, to favor GA4 over UA, Google Analytics will stop collecting and processing data for UA properties starting July...