Match 3rd is Hinamatsuri (Girl's Day) in Japan. We celebrated this event with the children here at Megumi. We wish every child happiness and healthy growth.
February 3rd is the day of Setsubun. The meaning behind Setsubun is to wish everyone a happy and healthy life. We wish you all a healthy year!!
Our new school year started this month. We welcomed new students and current students continue Megumi as well. We hope everyone will enjoy their time here with us and have many wonderful memories.
The other day, the Japanese violinist and pianist couple, Duo Takase visited Megumi Preschool and treated us to a live performance!!!
On Saturday, Feb. 25, we had the opportunity to perform at the Seattle Kumamoto Kenjinkai.
On Saturday, Feb. 25, we had the opportunity to perform at the Seattle Kumamoto Kenjinkai.
Today is Setsubun. We have read books about Setsubun in class, make oni craft and then have the children throw paper balls at the oni. it is our hope here at Megumi that everyone enjoys a healthy and happy year!!!
Thank you very much for delicious Wagashi. We will have them at lunch break.
おはようございます。 連日オリンピックで日本人選手が活躍されていてとても誇らしいですね! 先日のサッカーの準決勝では惜しくもスペインに敗れてしまい残念でしたが、選手たちはベストを尽くされていたのがテレビ越しにも伝わってきました😊 そんな選手たちに刺激を受け、私も仕事でベストを尽くせるように心がけたい...
Dear Gaijin (Foreigners), Japanese people do not eat or drink in the train except it was a long distance ride like Shinkansen. Why? You will not find any trash can anywhere in Japan especially in the railway stations. Why? March 20, 1995, Tokyo subway sarin attack happened and trash bins were used. Since then, all trash...