投稿日 2011-06-28 16:50
カナダのバンクーバーは、シアトルから車で2時間30分ほどで行ける最も近い外国です。 滝さんの農場があるYakimaより近いのですが、シアトルに来て2年も経つのに一度も行った事がありませんでした。 それで、今回夏のイベントとして、バンクーバー行を計画しました。 たった2時間30分なので、日帰りも可能な...
投稿日 2011-06-28 15:00
各種のモニュメントがあります。 異人館巡りが終わって、ちょっと一息。 六甲牧場のソフトクリーム(人気度日本一)を味わう。 北野坂の異人館街と異国情緒を眺めながら、三宮駅へと。 さて、次の角打ちは・・・...
投稿日 2011-06-28 14:30
南京町から神戸北野町一帯にある、異人館を観光。 英国館、洋館長屋(仏蘭西館)、ラインの館、うろこの家、オランダ館をぐるっと巡り、 「風見鶏の館」 で記念撮影。...
投稿日 2011-06-27 00:28
Otto's blog
Teragoya Otto
As you can guess, I had a great time in Thailand. It`s a very interesting country, full of strange & exotic sights. Every day is an adventure! I hope you enjoyed looking at my photos. I took more than this, but I came back from Thailand one month ago, so I think it`s time for my blog to return to Japanese themes now....
投稿日 2011-06-23 00:53
Otto's blog
Teragoya Otto
Do you like flowers? Flowers are super cheap in Thailand. The bunches of roses on the left are 60 baht - only 150 yen ($1.75)!!! The orchids on the right are only 50 baht (125 yen / $1.50) for THREE! Wow! Can you believe it?
投稿日 2011-06-23 00:10
Otto's blog
Teragoya Otto
Occasionally I receive email invitations to art exhibitions at La Lanta Art Gallery - http://www.lalanta.com/ - in Bangkok. By chance, I was in Bangkok at the same time as the opening night of this exhibition, so I could attend. I met the charming gallery director, who showed me around (unfortunately I forget her name) &...
投稿日 2011-06-22 03:01
Otto's blog
Teragoya Otto
Just before western men get married, they usually have a party called a `buck`s night` or `stag night` or `bachelor party`. Usually only male (men) friends can attend. 2 days before my friend Paul`s wedding, he had a bachelor party. Of course it was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, this heavily censored photo is all that I can...
投稿日 2011-06-22 02:16
Otto's blog
Teragoya Otto
One of my best friends in Thailand is a former student called `A` (her nickname). When we meet for dinner, we usually go to a restaurant beside the Chao Phraya River. It`s great to eat spicy food, drink cold beer, chat, and watch the boats go along the river. This restaurant has a great view, doesn`t it? On the left you c...
投稿日 2011-06-21 11:59
大分滞在、4日間。 毎日飲み喰い、遊び回っていると時間が経つのが早いです。 いつ帰っても故郷大分はいいものです。 幼馴染、同級生、怖い先輩諸氏、可愛い後輩、そして角友のみなさん、お付き合いありがとうございました。 それに増して何よりなのは、今年88歳になった母が元気だということです。 ★画像...
投稿日 2011-06-20 00:51
Otto's blog
Teragoya Otto
There are various kinds of boats which you can catch in Bangkok. I like the river ferry, which travels up & down the Chao Phraya River. It`s cheap & you can see interesting sights such as temples, old houses, river barges, people fishing, etc. Also, when it passes the Boon Rawd beer brewery (=factory) you c...