Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 210 スター・ウォーズ

(みな)さん、スター・ウォーズはお()きですか。スター・ウォーズに登場(とうじょう)するヨーダをご存知(ぞんじ)でしょうか。ヨーダは独特(どくとく)(はな)(かた)をしますね。(たと)えば、「Baseball, I play.」のような(かん)じです。(みな)さん、お()()きになったでしょうか?これ、日本語(にほんご)文法(ぶんぽう)()ています。日本語(にほんご)()うと「野球(やきゅう)します」が普通(ふつう)ですね。

名前(なまえ)はヨーダです」「Name. Yoda it is.」ですから、日本語(にほんご)(はな)すときにはヨーダのように単語(たんご)(なら)べることで(ぶん)ができます。簡単(かんたん)自己(じこ)紹介(しょうかい)(ぶん)()いてみます。


Name, Yamada Taro it is.
Kobe, I came from.
Tokyo, My first time.
Nobody, I know. Friends, please become.


Star Wars

Are you a fan of Star Wars? Are you familiar with Yoda, a character from the Star Wars universe? Yoda is known for his distinctive way of speaking, like saying, "Baseball, I play". Have you ever noticed how similar it is to Japanese grammar? In Japanese, people commonly say, "I play baseball" by rearranging the words like how Yoda speaks.

In Japanese, you can construct sentences like Yoda by rearranging words. Let's practice with a simple self-introduction.

My name is Taro Yamada.
I am from Kobe.
This is my first time living in Tokyo.
I don't know anyone here, so please be my friend.

Yoda Rearrangement:
Name, Yamada Taro it is.
Kobe, I came from.
Tokyo, My first time.
Nobody, I know. Friends, please become.

The backstory behind this unique speaking style is that George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars and a fan of Japanese movies (like those from Japanese director, Akira Kurosawa), incorporated Yoda's unusual Japanese-like manner of speech as an homage to Japan.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 209 ドラッグストア








Drugstores play a significant role in Japanese retail, alongside department stores, shopping malls, discount stores like one-dollar (100 yen) shops and Don Quijote, and clothing outlets like Uniqlo. In addition to offering medicine, drugstores are gaining attention for their diverse product range, including cosmetics, food, and beverages. Four popular Japanese drugstore chains include:


Owned by the Aeon Group, Welcia holds the top position in terms of sales among Japanese drugstores.

Tsuruha Drug

Headquartered in Hokkaido, Tsuruha Drug is a drugstore chain. It operates alongside other brands like Kyorindo, Lady Drug Store, and Kusuri no Fukutaro within the same group.

Cosmos Yakuhin

Primarily located in Kyushu with additional stores in the Kansai, Shikoku, Chugoku, and Kanto regions, Cosmos Yakuhin is headquartered in Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture.


Following the merger of Matsumotokiyoshi HD and Cocokara Fine in October 2021, the company has become a prominent player in the retail space, with strengths in private brands spanning pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, foods, and household goods.

Cosmetics and medicines are particularly popular among international customers, especially those from China. We recommend exploring these drugstores during your visit to Japan.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 208 主語が省かれる日本語(しゅごがはぶかれるにほんご)






Omitted Subjects in Japanese

In Japanese, omitting the subject is a common practice. This language exhibits a characteristic where you can reliably infer the subject from the context and situation in a conversation, eliminating expressions to facilitate smooth communication.

For example, when responding to the question "Where (are you) going?" with " (I am going) shopping," you would omit the subject (you, I). This omission occurs because the speaker and listener are present, and you can deduce the meaning from the context.

However, in a similar sentence, when referring to someone who is not present, you need to include the subject, as in "Yamada-san, where are you going?" Following the assumed context, it's common to reply, "Yamada-san is going shopping."

Likewise, the question "What (are you) doing?" omits the subject "you" or "they" in Japanese. This is acceptable based on the assumption that you're directing the question toward the person being spoken to. However, when the question targets a specific person or group, specifying the subject becomes necessary. This linguistic feature underscores the high-context dependency of the Japanese language.

Consider the following story: While driving, the driver looked at the passenger and remarked, "Beautiful". In response, the woman who heard this says to the driver, "Well, thank you". The driver then comments, "Oh, the sunset is beautiful". Unsurprisingly, the woman blushes. This example illustrates how the omission of the "subject" can lead to misunderstandings. It becomes essential to clarify the subject in certain situations to avoid such misunderstandings.

In the business world, it is especially crucial to state the subject explicitly to prevent misunderstandings.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 207 曖昧な日本語(あいまいなにほんご)


「すいません」は、一般的(いっぱんてき)謝罪(しゃざい)意味(いみ)する言葉(ことば)ですが、英語(えいご)の "Excuse Me" のような意味(いみ)としても使(つか)われます。また、「すいません」は、「ありがとう」と(おな)意味(いみ)使用(しよう)されることもあります。この言葉(ことば)発音(はつおん)(おな)じですが、「()いません(すいません)」は、喫煙(きつえん)をしないという意味(いみ)があります。




The Ambiguity of the Japanese Language

The term "ambiguous" describes a lack of specificity, where there aren't any straightforward or obvious answers. It applies to various words, situations, and concepts in Japanese. Here are some examples of ambiguous Japanese.

The term "suimasen" generally signifies an apology, but you can also use it to say "excuse me". Sometimes, you can use "suimasen" as a word for "thank you". The phrase "suimasen" also shares the same pronunciation as another word that means, "I don't smoke”.

For instance, if someone asks if you smoke and you respond with "suimasen", it's challenging to discern whether it means "I don't smoke" or "thank you". The Japanese language has numerous words with identical pronunciations but distinct meanings.

Moreover, people will commonly use the phrase, "I'll consider it" in business settings, which may sound like a contemplation or delay in concluding. However, in many cases, Japanese people prefer not to use the word "no" and instead opt for the expression, "I will consider it". While grammatically correct, it doesn't necessarily suggest a complete refusal.

Many view the ambiguity present in the Japanese language as a characteristic of linguistic flexibility, stemming from the emphasis on context, an aversion to outright refusal, the intricacies of honorifics, and the prevalence of homonyms. This contributes to Japanese culture's heightened sensitivity to the emotions and situations of others.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 206 日本で不動産を購入する(にほんでふどうさんをこうにゅうする)







Buying Real Estate in Japan

The depopulation of Japan's rural areas is increasing the availability of real estate and homes at unbelievable prices. Foreigners who discover this may contemplate purchasing real estate in Japan. So, can foreigners buy real estate in Japan?

The simple answer is yes. Foreigners can purchase real estate in Japan. However, they must complete several procedures in addition to getting the necessary funds ready.

First, to buy land or real estate in Japan, you need a visa or proof of residence to stay in the country. Without this, it becomes challenging to fulfill tax obligations to the Japanese government or engage in real estate transactions.

Moreover, adhering to Japanese custom, you must provide a Hanko (personal seal). In Japan, it isn't customary to use signatures, so they use a Hanko instead. But it can't just be a regular stamp; it needs to be a Hanko registered with the municipal office.

After fulfilling these requirements, a foreigner can then purchase real estate in Japan. However, we recommend speaking to a real estate agency or law firm for more detailed information. Although the yen's value is slowly increasing, it remains relatively cheap. Exploring the option of inexpensive real estate in Japan may be a prudent idea.

Wishing you all a wonderful year in 2024.

Happy New Year!

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