Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 197 日本は世界で一番古い国家(にほんはせかいでいちばんふるいこっか)







Japan is the oldest nation in the world

Japan is often referred to as the "oldest nation in the world" because of its historical background. Japan has a very long history, and its continued reestablishment since ancient times has led to such an expression to be used.

Japan's history began around the 3rd century B.C., during which many eras and dynasties rose and fell. The earliest states mentioned are the Yamato or Asuka Period dynasties, which lasted from the Kofun to Nara periods. Then there was a historical transition from the Nara Period to the Heian Period, during which the capital moved to Heian-kyo.

Furthermore, Japanese history is divided into various historical periods, such as the Kamakura Period, Muromachi Period, Sengoku Period, and Edo Period, each of which having its own unique characteristics. Then, in 1868, the Meiji Restoration took place, transforming Japan from the feudal system at the end of the Edo period to a modern nation.

Japan's National Foundation Day is February 11, the day on which Emperor Jinmu is said to have ascended to the throne (believed to be 660 AD), and is a national holiday every year. This day is also known as "Kigen-Setsu," and was designated as National Foundation Day because Emperor Jinmu's accession to the throne is considered to be the origin of the founding of Japan.

However, the existence of Emperor Jinmu is disputed, and some people believe that he is one of many myths and legends. National Foundation Day is an important day in Japanese tradition and culture, and exists as a public holiday.

Until 1948, National Foundation Day was observed on January 11, but a subsequent amendment to the law changed the date to February 11, establishing it as the new Kenkoku Kinenbi (National Foundation Day). 

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 196 やばい


江戸時代(えどじだい)(1603(ねん)から1868(ねん)) 日本(にほん)には町中(まちなか)弓矢(ゆみや)()って(まと)()てるゲームをする「矢場(やば)」という場所(ばしょ)がありました。その矢場(やば)には矢場(やば)(おんな)(やばおんな)と()ばれる女性(じょせい)がいて、(きゃく)にお(さけ)()したり、(うた)(おど)りなどの娯楽(ごらく)提供(ていきょう)していました。そして次第(しだい)に、矢場(やば)男性(だんせい)女性(じょせい)(矢場(やば)(おんな))と(あそ)場所(ばしょ)から風俗的(ふうぞくてき)なサービスを提供(ていきょう)する場所(ばしょ)になっていきました。




Recently in Japan, we use the word, "yabai" to describe something great, something big, and something very good. However, the original use of the word, yabai, was to describe dangerous places, people, and things. Today, I’d like to talk about one of the theories on the origin of this word "yabai".

During the Edo period (1603-1868), there was a place called "yaba" in Japan where people played a game of shooting bows and arrows around town to hit a target. At these yaba, women, called yaba onna (yaba women), served alcohol to the customers and provided entertainment like singing and dancing. Gradually, the yaba became a place where men played this game with women (yaba women) and provided entertainment services.

As a result, the reputation of yaba being a dangerous place spread, and people started using the word, "yaba" to mean the same as dangerous. This is said to be one of the origins of the word, "yaba. However, this danger has now become a positive thing and is used synonymously with the word "awesome.

In English, the word, bad, is sometimes used to mean awesome in the same way you can translate the word, "yabai", into “bad”, in English to make the meaning easier to understand. 

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 195 東京のナイトクラブ(とうきょうのナイトクラブ)


(1) AgeHa (アゲハ): AgeHaは、東京湾(とうきょうわん)位置(いち)し、巨大(きょだい)なエンターテイメントコンプレックスで()られています。国際的(こくさいてき)なDJがプレイすることもあり、多彩(たさい)音楽(おんがく)ジャンルを(たの)しむことができます。

(2) Womb (ウーム): Wombは渋谷(しぶや)にある人気(にんき)のあるクラブで、テクノやハウスミュージックが主要(しゅよう)音楽(おんがく)ジャンルです。国際的(こくさいてき)なDJが頻繁(ひんぱん)出演(しゅつえん)し、客層(きゃくそう)多国籍(たこくせき)です。 

(3) 1 OAK Tokyo: 1 OAK Tokyoは、米国(べいこく)発祥(はっしょう)高級(こうきゅう)ナイトクラブで、東京(とうきょう)でも一流(いちりゅう)のクラブとして()られています。トップDJやセレブリティが頻繁(ひんぱん)(おとず)れ、洗練(せんれん)された雰囲気(ふんいき)(ただよ)います。 

(4) V2 Tokyo: V2 Tokyoは六本木(ろっぽんぎ)にあり、ヒップホップ、R&B、トラップなどの音楽(おんがく)特徴(とくちょう)です。外国人(がいこくじん)観光客(かんこうきゃく)にも人気(にんき)があります。 

(5) Camelot (キャメロット): Camelotは新宿(しんじゅく)にあるクラブで、複数(ふくすう)のフロアがあり、さまざまな音楽(おんがく)ジャンルを(たの)しむことができます。(とく)週末(しゅうまつ)には(おお)くの外国人(がいこくじん)(おとず)れます。

(6) Vision Tokyo: Vision Tokyoは新宿(しんじゅく)のクラブで、EDMやトランスミュージックなどが(たの)しめます。国際的(こくさいてき)なDJが頻繁(ひんぱん)にプレイし、多国籍(たこくせき)客層(きゃくそう)(あつ)まります。 

(7) TK Shibuya (ティーケーシブヤ): TK Shibuyaは、渋谷(しぶや)にあるラウンジバーからクラブへと()わる場所(ばしょ)で、外国人(がいこくじん)観光客(かんこうきゃく)にもアクセスしやすいです。 

(8) ALIFE Tokyo: ALIFE Tokyoは、外国人(がいこくじん)()けのクラブとして評判(ひょうばん)があり、洗練(せんれん)された雰囲気(ふんいき)(なか)音楽(おんがく)とダンスを(たの)しむことができます。 


Tokyo Nightclubs

There are many nightclubs in Tokyo, many of which cater to foreigners. Today, I will introduce some of the best Tokyo nightclubs for foreign visitors.

(1) AgeHa: AgeHa is located on Tokyo Bay and is known for its huge entertainment complex. International DJs sometimes play here, and you can enjoy a wide variety of music genres.

(2) Womb: Womb is a popular club in Shibuya where techno and house music are the main music genres. International DJs frequently perform and the clientele is multinational.

(3) 1 OAK Tokyo: 1 OAK Tokyo is an upscale nightclub that originated in the United States and is known as one of Tokyo's premier clubs. It is frequented by top DJs and celebrities and has a refined atmosphere.

(4) V2 Tokyo: V2 Tokyo is located in Roppongi and features hip-hop, R&B and trap music. It is popular among foreign tourists as well.

(5) Camelot: Camelot is a club in Shinjuku with multiple floors and a variety of music genres. It attracts many foreign guests, especially on weekends.

(6) Vision Tokyo: Vision Tokyo is a club in Shinjuku where you can enjoy music such as EDM and trance music. International DJs often perform, and the club attracts a diverse crowd.

(7) TK Shibuya: TK Shibuya is a lounge bar-turned-nightclub in Shibuya which is easily accessible to foreign tourists as well. 

(8) ALIFE Tokyo: ALIFE Tokyo has a reputation as a club for foreigners to enjoy music and dancing in a classy atmosphere.

The drinking age in Japan is 20. Nightclubs generally come to life late at night until early into the morning. There may be admission requirements or dress codes, so I recommend checking the website or social media beforehand in addition to bringing identification. It may also help to check if reservations are available. 

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 194 日本で雨はどう表現するの(にほんであめはどうひょうげんするの)


mm/hは、1時間(じかん)降雨(こうう)(りょう)をミリメートルで(しめ)しています。しかし、(たと)えば35mm/hと()われても、1時間(じかん)で35mm(= 3.5cm = 1.36インチ)の(あめ)(おお)いのか(すく)ないのか、()かりにくいことがあります。そこで、雨量(うりょう)目安(めやす)以下(いか)(しめ)します。

~ 15mm: やや(つよ)(あめ)((あめ)(おと)()こえる)
~ 20mm: (つよ)(あめ)((みず)たまりができる・(あめ)(おと)(はなし)()きづらい)
~ 30mm: (はげ)しい(あめ)(どしゃ()り・(かさ)をさしていても()れる)
~ 50mm: 非常(ひじょう)(はげ)しい(あめ)(バケツをひっくり(かえ)したような(あめ))


  -  3時間(じかん)雨量(うりょう)が40㎜以上(いじょう)で、1時間(じかん)雨量(うりょう)が20㎜を()え、(そう)雨量(うりょう)が50㎜になると予想(よそう)される場合(ばあい)、または
  -  平地(へいち)で24時間(じかん)雨量(うりょう)が70㎜以上(いじょう)山地(さんち)で24時間(じかん)雨量(うりょう)が100㎜以上(いじょう)になると予想(よそう)される場合(ばあい)

  -  1時間(じかん)に40㎜以上(いじょう)(あめ)予想(よそう)される場合(ばあい)、または
  -  (そう)雨量(うりょう)が100㎜以上(いじょう)になると予想(よそう)される場合(ばあい)、または
  -  3時間(じかん)に70㎜以上(いじょう)(あめ)予想(よそう)される場合(ばあい)、または
  -  平地(へいち)で24時間(じかん)雨量(うりょう)が150㎜以上(いじょう)山地(さんち)で24時間(じかん)雨量(うりょう)が200㎜以上(いじょう)になると予想(よそう)される場合(ばあい)

  -  1時間(じかん)雨量(うりょう)が30㎜以上(いじょう)になると予想(よそう)される場合(ばあい)、または
  -  3時間(じかん)雨量(うりょう)が50㎜以上(いじょう)になると予想(よそう)される場合(ばあい)、または
  -  24時間(じかん)雨量(うりょう)が100㎜以上(いじょう)になると予想(よそう)される場合(ばあい)

  -  1時間(じかん)に40㎜以上(いじょう)(あめ)予想(よそう)され、(そう)雨量(うりょう)が100㎜以上(いじょう)になると予想(よそう)される場合(ばあい)、または
  -  3時間(じかん)に70㎜以上(いじょう)(あめ)予想(よそう)される場合(ばあい)、または
  -  平地(へいち)で24時間(じかん)雨量(うりょう)が150㎜以上(いじょう)山地(さんち)で24時間(じかん)雨量(うりょう)が200㎜以上(いじょう)になると予想(よそう)される場合(ばあい)

これで、日本(にほん)天気(てんき)予報(よほう)台風(たいふう)情報(じょうほう)()(さい)に、雨量(うりょう)(かん)する情報(じょうほう)()かりやすくなりましたか。この内容(ないよう)日本人(にほんじ ん)でも()らない(ひと)(おお)いと(おも)います。

Source: https://www.bo-sai.co.jp/typoon.htm

How Japan Measures Rainfall

In Japan, we commonly use millimeters per hour (mm/h) to measure rainfall and wind speed in weather forecasts.


Mm/h expresses the amount of rainfall in millimeters per hour. However, sometimes, it’s difficult to know whether 35 mm (= 3.5 cm = 1.36 inches) of rain in one hour is too much or too little, even if they say there will be 35 mm/h, for example. Therefore, the following is a rough estimate of rainfall.

~ 15 mm: Slightly heavy rain (you can hear rainfall)
~ 20 mm: Heavy rain (puddles form and it’s hard to hear what you’re saying because of how loud the rainfall is)
~ 30 mm: Heavier rain (pouring so much that you’ll get wet even if you have an umbrella)
~ 50 mm: Very heavy rain (like an overturned bucket)

In Japan, the Japan Meteorological Agency issues warnings for the following

heavy rain advisory:
  -  Three-hour rainfall is 40 mm or more, one-hour rainfall exceeds 20 mm, and total rainfall is expected to reach 50 mm; or
  -  When 24-hour rainfall is expected to reach 70 mm or more in flat areas and 100 mm or more in mountainous areas.

Heavy Rain Warning
  -  Rainfall of 40 mm or more per hour is forecasted, or
  -  Total rainfall is expected to reach 100 mm or more, or
  -  Rainfall of 70 mm or more is forecasted in 3 hours, or
  -  Rainfall is expected to reach 150 mm or more in 24 hours in flat areas and 200 mm or more in 24 hours in mountainous areas.

Flood Alert
  -  When one-hour rainfall is forecast to reach 30 mm or more, or
  -  Rainfall in three hours is expected to reach 50 mm or more, or
  -  Rainfall in 24 hours is expected to reach 100 mm or more.

Flood Warning
  -  When rainfall of 40 mm or more is forecasted in one hour and total rainfall is expected to reach 100 mm or more, or
  -  Rainfall of 70 mm or more is expected in three hours, or
  -  When rainfall is expected to be 150㎜ or more in 24 hours in flat areas and 200㎜ or more in 24 hours in mountainous areas.

Now, when you look at Japanese weather forecasts or typhoon information, it will be easier to understand the information about rainfall. I think there are many Japanese people who don’t know this information.

Source: https://www.bo-sai.co.jp/typoon.htm 

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 193 ホテルの予約(ホテルのよやく)

日本(にほん)国内(こくない)のホテルを米国(べいこく)の Expedia などの旅行(りょこう)サイトで予約(よやく)するのと、日本(にほん)旅行(りょこう)サイトで予約(よやく)するのとではどちらがお(とく)(かんが)えたことはありますか。今月末(こんげつまつ)日本(にほん)出張(しゅっちょう)予定(よてい)していますので、ホテルの価格(かかく)をサイトごとに比較(ひかく)してみました。


Expedia.com …  $1,526.00
Booking.com …  $1,736.00
Priceline.com … $1,396.00
Hotels.co … $1,552.00

Ikyu.com … 165,980(えん)  … $1,129.11 (US$ = 147(えん) Rate)
Rakuten Travel … 212,944(えん)  … $1,448.60 (US$ = 147(えん) Rate)

これだけの価格(かかく)()があることに(すこ)(おどろ)きました。今回(こんかい)は Ikyu.com が一番(いちばん)(やす)かったのですが、(みな)さまも色々(いろいろ)なサイトで(やす)料金(りょうきん)(さが)されると(たの)しいかもしれません。ちなみに品川(しながわ)プリンスホテルの公式(こうしき)サイト検索(けんさく)すると(いま)(ぱく)以上(いじょう)でディスカウントで 178,667(えん)という価格(かかく)()ています。会員(かいいん)になるのは無料(むりょう)なのでおすすめです。また、ホテルから直接(ちょくせつ)購入(こうにゅう)されるとポイントにもなります。


Hotel Prices

Have you ever wondered which is more economical between booking a hotel in Japan through a travel site such as Expedia in the U.S. or through a Japanese travel site? I am planning a business trip to Japan at the end of this month and wanted to compare hotel prices from different sites.

This time, I checked the price for a seven-night stay at the Grand Prince Hotel Main Tower in Shinagawa, Tokyo from October 29 to November 5, 2023, for one person.

Expedia.com | $1,526.00
Booking.com | $1,736.00
Priceline.com | $1,396.00
Hotels.com | $1,552.00

Japanese Sites – US$ = 147 Yen Rate

Ikyu.com | 165,980Yen or ~$1,129.11 
Rakuten Travel | 212,944Yen or ~$1,448.60

I was a little surprised to see such a big price difference. Ikyu.com was the cheapest, but it might be fun to look for cheaper rates on other websites as well. By the way, a search on the Shinagawa Prince Hotel's official website shows a discounted rate of 178,667 Yen for three nights or more. Membership is free, so I would highly recommend it. You can also get points if you purchase directly from the hotel.

Finding hotels like this is one of the best ways to travel.

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