Price Difference between US and Japan

1 Pack at Amazon Japan 1 Pack at Amazon Japan
2 Pack at Amazon USA 2 Pack at Amazon USA
Same product ... different prices.
Most products are cheaper in Japan than the US but especially imported products can be twice as much expensive in Japan.
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Democratic Socialist Country

Democratic Socialist Country
Japanese people depends on the government a lot. And government keep increasing the taxes to meet those demands. It is amazing how people accept those tax increases. But people are will controlled.
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Spicy Ramen

Spicy Ramen
Spicy Ramen
Spicy Ramen
Spicy Ramen
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Jeans and T-Shirt

Jeans and T-Shirt
Jaoan is not Jeans and T-Shirt country.
People (in business) are expected to wear ... well, business attires.
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Japanese Curry

Japanese Curry
I cooked Japanese curry using pressure cooker.
I put everything (meat, vegetables, brown rice and curry blocks) in one pot and have it cooed fir 16 minutes.
It turned out great.
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日暮里 Nippori ... Fabric Town

日暮里 Nippori ......
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Eggs Benedict エッグベネディクト

Eggs Benedict at 13 Coins Bell... Eggs Benedict at 13 Coins Bellevue, WA, USA
Eggs Benedict is one of the very popular dish in Japan. But this happened in last 10 years. We never seen this dish when I was living in Japan.
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Japanese Diet

Japanese Diet
I just watched "Miso Hungry" on Amazon Prime video.
It was interring. May be it is time for me to go back to Japan.

Misi Hungry Trailer
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Nabe is a Japanese word for a pot.
But if you use the same word for food, it refers to hot pot like you see here.
If you are in Japan in the winter, make sure you look for NABE restaurants.

This was at NABE-ZO ... one of my favorite NABE restaurants in Japan.

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Japanese Coffee Shop (Kissaten) Spaghetti

Japanese Coffee Shop (Kissate...
Japanese Coffee Shop (Kissate...
Japanese Coffee Shop (Kissate...
Japanese Coffee Shop (Kissate...
Japanese Coffee Shop (Kissate...
Japanese Coffee Shop (Kissate...
Japanese Coffee Shop (Kissate...
Japanese Coffee Shop (Kissate...
I wanted to eat Japanese Coffee Shop (Kissaten) Spaghetti today.
So, I made it.

It is a ketchup based spaghetti.
I have a craving for it sometime.
I will have salad with it ... If you think I need to eat some vegetable.
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