Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 114 お辞儀 (おじぎ・ojigi)
Did you know that the Japanese Online newsletter also publishes on our Bloguru blog?
Today, we’d like to announce the most viewed Japanese Online newsletter from 2020, which was originally published on May 19th, 2020.
Next week, we’ll present the most viewed newsletter from 2021. Do you want to take a guess?
お辞儀 (おじぎ・ojigi)
The way people greet each other varies depending on where you live. Some shake hands, others hug and kiss on the cheek. The method of greeting can also vary depending on the situation.
Bowing is the way that Japanese people often use to greet and communicate with each other. It shows respect to the other, and presents a polite attitude.
Below are some situations when Japanese people bow.
Meeting new people, as a way of saying “Hello. Nice to meet you.”
Saying “Thank you” with gratitude
Apologizing, as a way of saying “I’m sorry.”
Welcoming customers/guests to places like stores, restaurants, and hotels as a way of saying “Welcome. May I help you?”
At sporting events- before and after a game, the players bow to each other to wish them the best of luck
Besides the situations above, when a vehicle or cyclist stops for someone at an intersection, some people nod their head.
When greeting someone or saying thank you, try bowing sometime. Even if you are not speaking Japanese, you are still able to convey how you feel by bowing.
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