人形交換事業は世界的な人形交換につながるかに思われたが、1933年の日本の国際連盟脱退、1937年の日独伊防共協定の締結、そして暴動の勃発を経て、太平洋戦争中の 1941 年 12 月 7 日、かつて日米友好の象徴であった友情人形は、戦時中のスローガン「鬼畜米英」(「アメリカ人やイギリス人は悪魔か野獣だ」)のもと、厳しい迫害を受け、拒否されました。 ')。
1943 年 2 月頃から、「青い目の人形よ、あなた方は我々の致命的な敵だ」といった見出しが掲げられた。
Though it seemed as if the doll exchange project would lead to worldwide exchange of dolls, after the withdrawal of Japan from the League of Nations in 1933, the conclusion of Anti-Comintern Pact among Japan, Germany and Italy in 1937 and the outbreak of the Pacific War on December 7th, 1941, the friendship dolls, which once were the symbol of the Japan-US friendship, were severely persecuted and rejected, under the wartime slogan, ‘kichiku-beiei’ (‘Americans and Englishmen are devils or beasts.’). Everything concerning the US was the target of hatred including sports goods, daily necessities and pastime articles. From around February 1943, such headlines as ‘Blue-eyed dolls, you are our deadly enemies. We will never forgive you,‵“Let’s knock down the blue-eyed dolls,” shouted the children,’ or ‘Burn down the American dolls to excite hostility against America and Britain until we defeat them,′ were found here and there on the newspapers.