There are handful of people who registered as a teacher at Japanese-Online. We have not forgotten about you. When we have few more teachers, we will publish the pages with list of you. We will contact you before we do publish it to make sure you are okay with it. At the mean time, if you are a Japanese language teache...
Did you know I made a website which has no practical function? I created a bulletin board system for me to post message in heaven. I use this board to post a message every morning to Pompom. Please feel free to use it yourself. There are two functions of this bulletin board that you should know. (1) It is SSL secured. ...
投稿日 2018-10-09 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
If you do not want Kiroboto to sell it for you, you can use Kiroboto to advertise. There is no cost. Consider it as one more way to expose your company and products. http://www.kiroboto.co
投稿日 2018-10-08 09:12
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I have updated the products you see above to http://www.kiroboto.com Check them out.
What you should know about Shinjyuku.
What can we work together to expand our market reach? Do you have an idea? I’m listening.
投稿日 2018-10-07 09:18
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Check out some of the great deal at Kiroboto. Are you interested in selling online at kiroboto? We will take care of billing, collection for you at very low introductory cost of 5%. Here is how it works. (1) You post a product at Kiroboto. (2) People buys ... We collect money. (3) You send product and customer receives it. (...
Why there is no mass killing using guns in Japan?
It tells me I ma traveling far for fun and business. This is so correct. I am traveling to Japan at the end of this month. How did they know? <--- Who are they?
Unlike the US market, there are more different flavors of Kit Kats in Japan. You may want to pick some up when you are in Japan. Those make great gifts. Trust me, I brought some back from japan and they were gone in seconds.