投稿日 2016-07-08 12:45
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
就職活動で 400人の Facebook フレンドがいるだけという履歴書では就職は決まらないでしょう。でも、これが 4,000 人、40,000人、400,000人、4,000,00人いたらどうでしょうか。それだけでも就職に十分な条件とは思いませんか。 会社も同じです。会社も沢山の Like をもら...
There are three things people think about when people think about value. (1) Quality of Product (2) Quality of Service (3) Price (1) & (2) are given. Nobody wants to buy anything that is bad or poor service. So, the main thing people think about value is the price. You need to work hard to make sure your product i...
Why should customer choose you over your competitors? Have you ever spend time to think about that? Here are some of the things you may be thinking about... (1) Product You may have better product than the other people. (2) Service You may have better service, after care, return policy, warranty than your competitor...