Following Twitter's recent logo and name change to "X" earlier this year, we are changing the platform icon in the "Social Links" menu in NewsMAIL. As a result, your newsletters will display the "X" in your NewsMAIL newsletter starting next week. Shown below. This update will only apply for those of you who have linke...
Over the past few years, short-form videos have become more popular, especially with the rise of TikTok, Instagram Reels, Facebook/Instagram Stories, and YouTube Shorts. As technology has continued to progress, people have become more accustomed to the conveniences it has to offer, and their attention spans have also ...
Back in July, Meta (the company behind Facebook and Instagram) released Threads, their text-based social media platform after weeks of speculation that would directly compete with X (formerly Twitter). Because of how easy it was for users to sign up, ten million people joined the app within seven hours of its launch acc...
投稿日 2023-10-19 06:33
おはようございます♪ で始まるTwitterでの毎朝のルーティーンです いつも思いますが、 よう〜毎日毎日アホやないか? 何のためにしてるんだろう?ってね(笑) 自問自答する時も… 『一隅を照らす』は 天台宗の祖、最澄さんのお言葉ですが 夜明け前ってね、陽が照らさない前の 世界でさ、よく言えば眠って...
Marketing online is vital in business, especially small businesses. Most small businesses know that it’s important to have an online presence, but not all of us are skilled graphic designers. With billions of people actively using the internet worldwide, it gives you that much more opportunity to increase your brand’s awar...
本日、ホスティングサービスDreamersiのV5環境をご利用の方向けに、WordPressを簡単にインストールできるツールをご用意致しましたのでお知らせ致します。 下記の手順に沿って操作してください。 1. カスタム/WordPressプラットフォームを選択 2. WordPress インストーラ...
お客様各位 平素よりPSPinc のサービスをご利用いただき誠にありがとうございます。 この度、Dreamersi で提供しているウェブのアクセス統計機能WebdeStats2 のOS及びバージョンアップデートを行いますので、ご報告させていただきます。 今回のバージョンアップデートで影響のある項目は...
ソーシャルメディアは、中小企業にとって最も簡単で費用対効果の高いマーケティング方法の一つです。しかし、デザイン初心者や専門知識のない人が、他人の目をひきつける画像を作り投稿することは簡単ではありません。もし同じ悩みをお持ちの方がいらっしゃいましたら、Canvaをお薦めします。 ソーシャルメディアの画...
Social media is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways for small businesses to market themselves. But for those who aren’t trained or experienced in design, creating visually appealing posts isn’t always easy. And we’ve probably all seen our fair share of less-than-ideal graphics floating around the internet....
Earlier this year, Twitter started charging third parties for API usage, which caused many websites to remove Twitter from their website. API stands for Application Programming Interface and lets developers integrate existing software systems into new applications. Usually, websites use APIs to share information or carry ou...