投稿日 2018-05-16 09:03
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Younger people are more practical than my generation. I always wanted to own things rather than borrow them. But younger generation wants to borrow thing only when they need them. Like office space, many new ventures are located at shared space like WeWork instead of leasing an office for long term. It may cost mor...
投稿日 2018-05-15 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
This was a great lunch choice for our lunch meeting. I really like Jimmy John's.
Many times companies like ours listen to customers when we design and develop products and services. But when the products is released, we stop listening to the customers and start listening to the engineers and managers. When it come out to the technology, customers often have no idea, but they always know what they...
投稿日 2018-05-14 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
When you want to know the truth, always ask in simple term. That is much better than long difficult-to-understand questions.
I know this restaurant was here but I have never been there ... because it looks pretty run down. Well, I went there ... I was surprised about the price (inexpensive) and quantity was massive. Taste like home made cooking. I will definitely go there again. BTW, this restaurant has 4 and 1/2 start rating. Wow!
投稿日 2018-05-12 13:07
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I want to live like there is no regrets. There are too many things that I regret ... But I will try my best to overcome all my regrets. I can at least try!!!
When the business is not running well, small things start to go wrong. Look at this display at a bank branch ... Windows Update Notice is being displayed ... Nobody is doing anything about it. It is not a good sign. Nobody cares.
We are moving it data center to new location in Seattle. We are also moving our monitoring center to Bellevue.
This is Yuuki who designed Pompom character for me. Do you want to make your pet into a character? Contact us.
投稿日 2018-05-07 09:43
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Who in the right mind will start the new car company in the US back in 2003? Well, if you think it like that TESLA would not have been born. It is very inspired. Always think something new.