投稿日 2018-02-07 07:34
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I woke up early ,,, Having a cup of coffee and ready for work. It’s a beautiful day ion Tokyo....
It was a nice flight and arrived in Japan on time. I am now checked into a hotel and relaxing.
投稿日 2018-02-06 07:02
平素より、Clocklink.comをご利用頂きありがとうございます。 アメリカ西海岸時間2月5日(月)午前11時頃、日本時間の2月6日(火)午前4時頃、時計が挿入されているウェブサイトを再度読み込んだ際に、時計の時刻がはじめにサイトを開いた時間に戻ってしまうとのご報告を頂き、精査の上、この不具合を...
Dear Clocklink Users, Some users have reported that their clocks were not updating on page refresh and reverting back to the time that was loaded on initial page visit. We have deployed a fix for this and upon testing everything appears to be working correctly. If the issue still shows on your website please clear your ca...
This is a great idea. You can buy it for about $200. You can search GUFFGUN online.
Click It Audio ... Cloud audio management and embed service. Sign up for free. Japanese-Online.com has been using this service. Click on the icon below to learn little more about it. http://www.clickitaudio.com Your browser does not support iframes.
I used the web site to order Jimmy John's sandwich ... It was easy and the site is well designed. I learned a lot. I would like to offer online ordering as one of the parts of PSPinc's web development package. My gut feeling is that web sites are moving more from the horizontal broad use to vertical specific function use. O...
投稿日 2018-01-27 04:22
ブログルメンバー各位 サーバー拡張のためのメンテナンスを下記日程で実施いたします。 メンテナンス中は10分ほどブログルサービスをご利用いただけません。 メンテナンス期間 * アメリカ西海岸時間:1月27日 (土) 午前8:30より * 日本時間:1月28日 (日) 午前1:30より ご質問やご不明な...
Hello Bloguru Bloggers, We have a server maintenance scheduled for about 10 minutes from 8:30am PST tomorrow, Jan. 27th Saturday, (1:30am on Jan. 28th Sunday JST) for expanding server storage. During the maintenance, Bloguru will be temporarily unavailable. Thank you for your patience and support. The Bloguru Su...
投稿日 2018-01-26 12:20
ウチクラ ケンイチ
1. They always worry 2. They try to tell you what to do 3. They live in the default position 4. They enjoy secrecy 5. They are pessimists 6. They cann...