投稿日 2018-09-29 09:09
ウチクラ ケンイチ
When we build something ... we make sure we review every step to make sure we are moving in the right direction. If we don't jump ahead, it does not hurt that much to step back and adjust the course.
Yuki Chan showed up today. It must have been more than a year since I saw her last. I think she remembers me.
Many Internet Web Page Development services are being promoted using two themes. (1) Cheap (2) Easy I don't think we should push our services in the same theme. I rather be (1) Value Price (2) Compete / Best Does that make sense?
投稿日 2018-09-26 03:01
本日、新しいテーマ「星降る夜空」のリリースを行いました。 秋の夜長を感じられるデザインで、今の時期にぴったりのテーマです。 「星降る夜空」は管理画面、テーマメニューの【レスポンシブ】欄からご利用いただけます。 デスクトップコンピューターはもちろん、タブレット、スマートフォンなど、いろいろな機器で自動...
Hello Bloguru Bloggers! We have released a new responsive theme called "Starry Night" for use on your blog. This theme has a beautiful night sky in the background with a nice calm design. You can find the theme under the responsive tab on the admin themes page. As previously mentioned, responsive themes will only w...
We have new member at PSP and his name is Ox. I am so happy to have a new dog at PSP. When you visit PSP, please bring your dog.
投稿日 2018-09-25 10:49
ウチクラ ケンイチ
All problems start small but they can easily grow out of control. The most difficult part is for people to understand what you are saying ... They do not have to agree but hey need to understand you.
There is no solution if there is no problem. But in many cases, people are so used to do what they do, they don't even realize there is a problem. Also, many solutions will involve some kind of changes. People do not like changes. It will be a battle every time someone try to change even if the change will make things easi...
投稿日 2018-09-22 10:21
ウチクラ ケンイチ
People do not like change when the changes are initiated by others. That is the reason why many companies do not adopt to change unless they are forced to. By them, it might be too late. To change anything, you need to try something new. By starting something new in the small scale, you can always pull it back. If it succ...
投稿日 2018-09-22 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Look what I found today. Golf range finder is an incredible price ... I wish I waited for thighs deal. https://kiroboto.com