This coronavirus is really going to hurt the economy.
Do you know what this number mean? 140,000,000 This is the number of people die every year. That is over 38,000 people die every day. Coronavirus killed abut 4,000 in last 3 months. That is about 45 people everyday. Coronavirus is a tragedy but number does not justify the panic behavior. Let's be healthy and wash han...
I have moved to a new office today. The move is complete but I do not know how I put all those stuffs ... It will take days.
投稿日 2020-03-06 09:26
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
このロゴを知っている人が何人いるだろうか。 これは、1987年に Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. を設立したときに使ったロゴです。 近日中に発行する PSP ニュースレターで PSP の生い立ちと変化につてお話をさせていただきます。 お楽しみに・・・ PSP ニュ...
Actually, Washington State where I live accounts for 11 out of 12 in total deaths in the US. Japan so far has 6 deaths and another 6 from Diamond Princess Cruise Ship. China has the most cases and most deaths ... but the problem is I do not believe the number they are saying. AT PSPinc, we have announced following polic...
Vol. 1Hello, this is Ken Uchikura from Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are combining our What’s New and blog-driven company newsletters into one. Each week with the all-new PSPinc What’s New newsletter, we will continue to keep you up-to-date on what we are doing and promise to keep it informative and enter...
Vol.1 こんにちは、PSPinc 代表の内倉憲一(うちくらけんいち)です。いつもニュースレターをご愛読いただきまして誠にありがとうございます。この度、今まで別々に配信しておりました「PSPinc Newsletter」と「PSPinc What’s New」のニュースレターを一つにし、新しい「P...
投稿日 2020-03-05 12:32
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
●4日,コンスタンティン・キング郡長が記者会見。キング郡における新型コロナウイルスの更なる拡散を防ぐ必要がある旨強調。 ●キング郡は新型コロナウイルス拡散を抑制するために推奨する行動を発表。 ●キング郡内感染者数は,累計31人(9人の死亡者含む)。ワシントン州全体では,10人の死亡者を含む39人が感...
I went to a meeting in Seattle (Seattle Executives Association) today. I thought we will have very minimal people there because of Coronavirus. However, we actually had room full of people. We had discussion about changes ... For now almost all the companies are operation as normal. Nobody was wearing mask. I am so p...
March 22nd - 25th / PHOENIX AZ https://restaurantleadership.com This year will be our first time attending the Restaurant Leadership Conference in Ari...