A press release is an official statement an organization sends out to news media. Then, the hope is that the media will report on that statement to spread the word about a new product or big change in your organization, be it a new product or new CEO. And it'll also generate more buzz and excitement for your company a...
We are pleased to release a new version of our COSMOSIL catalog, which includes our new RNA and oligonucleotide column series.COSMOSIL/COSMOCORE HPLC Catalog 12th Edition
We are pleased to announce that the study using our DL-amino acid labeling kit, made in collaboration with Professor Hideaki Kakeya from Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University, was selected for inclusion in HOT Articles 2023 by the Royal Society of Chemistry journal Analyst. Press Release: Separation...
ANAから臨時便運航のお知らせです。 <5月29日(土)のみ> フライト情報: NH1935便 シカゴ12:45発→大阪/関空16:35 (5月30日)着 <6月12日(土)のみ> フライト情報: NH1915便 サンフランシスコ13:20発→大阪/関空17:10 (6月13...
We are pleased to inform you that this year is the 40th anniversary for COSMOSIL HPLC columns. Please visit our special page to get to know the history of COSMOSIL and see the limited edition premium package. Special page (Nacalai Tesque, Inc.): https://www.nacalai.co.jp/global/cosmosil/cosmosil_40th/index.html Product i...
高品質な真空まほうびん水筒をお届けする象印アメリカが、象印ならではの耐久性と安全性にこだわった、茶こし付きステンレスタンブラー(SX-FSE45)を新発売しました。サイズは15オンスで、ホワイト、コーラルピンク、ネイビー、ブルーグレーの4色で展開しており、メーカー希望小売価格は$40です。 本体には...
PSPinc listed alongside top Seattle companies; Alaska Air Group, Boeing, REI, and Starbucks. Bellevue, Wash., May 23, 2019 –Pacific Software Publishin...
We are pleased to announce that we have released a new version of our COSMOSIL catalog, which includes our new CHiRAL (A, B, and C) series. COSMOSIL/COSMOCORE HPLC Catalog 2019 (26.3 MB) https://www.nacalai.co.jp/global/download/pdf/COSMOSIL_CATALOG_2019.pdf
We have released revised technical notes for our COSMOSIL HPLC columns. These include information for our new core-shell and SFC products. Please consult them when you have difficulties with your HPLC separations. COSMOSIL / COSMOCORE Technical Note (17.8 MB) https://www.nacalai.co.jp/global/download/pdf/COSMOS...
We are pleased to inform you that our columns bonded unique stationary phase on fully silica gel or core-shell particle have lately been registered in USP -- Cosmosil / Cosmocore Cholester as L101 and Cosmosil HILIC as L104. Click and go web site to check it out! Cosmosil Cholester http://www.nacalaiusa.com/products/v...