Do you know when you look at Coronavirus Data, the cumulative number will never decreases. Instead we all should be looking number of new cases. That will tell us whether Coronavirus is under control or not. New York added over 1,000 new cases.
Remote Work / Telework It is getting to the point that we need to live with the Coronavirus rather than fight it for now. We need to be extra vigilant...
Compared to Seattle ... Shibuya (Tokyo) looks almost normal. No store including restaurants and bars are closed. With new infections are almost 0, things does not look so different. I hope we get back to that soon.
Coronavirus Facts I just listed the facts based on the public record. No judgement here. As of today, we recorded 210,000 Coronavirus confirmed cases ...
Washington State addd 110 more people today as people infected with Coronavirus with 53 people had dies from it. This number exceeds entire Japan.
This is one of the best visualization of Coronavirus outbreak / Pandemic, https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html?fbclid=IwAR2Bh869ZwmM0jbKzOtYc_GHoyC4RtIdJHjc4SJUpCLOaZU1yftZSIiqDcY#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 I trust those munger except from China and North Korea.
今なにができる この時期コロナウイルスを抑制するために政府は人の集まりを禁止したり、レストランの営業をテイクアウトとデリバリーだけにしたり一所懸命になっています。それを受けて多くの会社はリモートワークに切り替え、対応しています。私の会社も先週の金曜日からリモート勤務を許可していますが、100%リモー...
Here is one of the email I got. this one is from McDonald's. I really like this email because it gets to the point. We all should learn from it. Dear ...
投稿日 2020-03-17 09:25
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I think regardless of the outcome, world leaders are doing their best. It is not the time to criticize the leaders. Let them do their jobs. We can blame on the later. Don't forget, we are intros together.
投稿日 2020-03-17 01:35
ウチクラ ケンイチ
https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ This site shows the latest world update on COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Remember over 150,000 people die from various causes in the world every day. Over 22,000 people die (many are children) die from hunger everyday. Over 35,000,000 people dies from HIV/AIDS. We have less ...