In 1999, Pacific Software Publishing, Inc (PSPINC). released NewsMAIL, a software package for sending email to multiple email addresses. At the time, NewsMAIL was not an Internet-based service like it is today. Instead, it was a software package that delivered email after being installed on a Windows PC. The price was prev...
If you’ve ever worked in the marketing or sales field, you may have come across the term customer persona. But no matter what industry you’re in, creating a well-rounded persona is crucial in developing a strong and effective marketing strategy. Personas take the targeting process one step further by creating a ful...
With the explosion of content creators over the past ten years, give or take, content monetization has changed the way people make money online. To start, content monetization is the process of making money off of the content you produce. This content could virtually be almost anything: videos, images, audio, text, or a comb...
Although AI seems like a newer concept, it’s actually been around for quite some time. In fact, the first instance of modern AI happened in 1956 at the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence (DSRPAI). There, the term, artificial intelligence was coined after Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw, and Herbert Simon pr...
When you think of branding, you probably think of the big brands: Apple, Coca-Cola, Netflix, you name it. For brands as big as those, you can almost immediately picture their logos. And that’s the true testament to how successful those companies are. But branding is much more than just the logo. However, the word, bran...
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. currently offers three different types of hosting services. But not because we’ve developed three different types. Two that we’ve purchased are still operating under their original name. In addition to the hosting service, we’ve developed in-house. Currently, we offer the following three h...
Most of us have seen and used social media. If you are reading this article that is almost a certainty. We use it to share vacation photos, life updates, birthdays, anniversaries, cat photos, etc. However, there is a business application for social media. If you aren’t considering the benefits of social media for your business,...
At Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. we offer several products and services. Each product or service has a domain name. Each of these domains have unique PR activities to attract visitors. However, this is not enough to attract all of the visitors to one place. So we decided to place all of our products and services on https:...
Being able to reach out to customers is important, but you don’t need to be a professional marketer to do it. Below are a few tips for your email mark...
I do not think Olympic caused more Covid-19 cases in Japan directly, but I do think because of the Olympic, people in Japan do not take Covid-19 as se...