投稿日 2018-03-20 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Now you can promote your business and products for free at Kiroboto. Next stage is to provide money transaction. In addition to promoting your products, you can sell any products at Kiroboto with fee. https://kiroboto.com
投稿日 2018-03-19 11:27
ウチクラ ケンイチ
If you have a product to sell, use Kiroboto to promote your it. There is no cost to register your company and there is no cost post your product. NO COST!!! Kiroboto is still being developed but it is now developed enough to use it as a promotion site.
投稿日 2018-03-19 10:39
ウチクラ ケンイチ
It is unbelievable how fast the old computer gets when you replace old hard disk drives with SSDs. The price of the SSD has come down enough so that it is really a good time to refresh your computer. If you have a computer and you want me to see if you can replace it with SSD, please let me know. I will be happy to t...
投稿日 2018-03-18 09:53
ウチクラ ケンイチ
This USB Battery Pack is powerful enough to start a car. If you really need a battery pack, this is what you need. https://www.ebay.com/i/352300095853?chn=ps&dispItem=1
They look nice.
投稿日 2018-03-17 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
This is what we are making. Do you want it? Please contact PSPinc ... Oh it may help if you are a PSPinc customer. http://www.pspinc.com http://www.dreamersi.com
投稿日 2018-03-16 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Japan Fair July 7 & 8 Seattle Execs Post Image Japan Fair is a two-day festival, free to the public, that showcases the traditional and modern cultural arts of Japan. It is a communal endeavor of musicians, artisans, community organizations, and businesses from both Japan and the U.S. who come together to share thei...
投稿日 2018-03-15 10:40
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Those are the pictures from the vendor which produce computer mouse in China. Younger people are working very hard. I do not know how much they make. I am sure they do not make very much and they do not speak English. But young people like those are working hard to produce mundane products. You cannot found...
We are now looking at wooden coster (pine) with the company logo as novelty gifts. Anybody interested?
投稿日 2018-03-14 10:07
ウチクラ ケンイチ
We will be marketing Japanese pine coaster with your logo in the US. If you are interested, please let me know.