I finally found the link which gathered over 1,000,000 petitions. It is closed but I found the link. __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-.._...
常識 じょうしき Jyoushiki Common Sense これは常識です。 これはじょうしきです。 Kore wa Jyoushiki Desu This is common sense. 非常識 ひじょうしき Hijyoushiki No Common Sense あなたは非常識です。 あな...
____が好きです。 ____がすきです。 ____ Ga Sukidesu I like ____. If you ile something or someone, you can use "______ Ga Sukidesu." 好き Suki is a verb meaning "Like...
Do you want me draw your pet? __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__ Bloguru Signature Kenichi Uchikura President / CEO Pacific Software P...
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is no longer supporting Internet Explorer which Microsoft stopped support in January of 2016. Alternatively, Microso...
誕生日 たんじょうび Tanjyoubi Birthday お誕生日、おめでとうございます。 おたんじょうび、おめでとうございます。 Otanjyoubi, Omedetou Gozaimasu Happy Birthday sign up for the Japanese-Online Newsl...
投稿日 2020-05-14 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
We served lunch bento box from Miyabi Restaurant at Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. This is the second tome we serve Miyabi Bento at PSPinc. It is o...
Dream People change many things in the pursuit of their dreams. They break up their relationships in hope to better themselves. Many times you need to...
今何時ですか いま なんじ ですか Ima Nanji Desula What time is it now 日本時間 にほんじかん Nihon Jikan sign up for the Japanese-Online Newsletter __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-..__.....
何ですか なんですか Nanidesuka What? これは何ですか これはなんですか Kore wa Nandesuka What is this? あれは何ですか あれはなんですか Are wa Nandesuka What is that? sign up for the Japanese-...