Japan's Shinrinyoku Japanese health care evolving from the Shinto and Buddhist traditions seek to integrate our connection to nature with our physical...
投稿日 2020-04-05 20:30
Tai: Diary
仕事などで忙しく、この5年程、昔の知人友人に連絡を取らなくなってきています。 先程、国内外(地元・大阪・東京・ドイツ・UK・US・カナダ)の友人知人に向け、安否のメールを送ってみました。 日本でコロナウィルスが報道される前に、以下を行っていて良かったと思います。 イタリア旅行 東京への出張および友人...
As pointed out by a January 2020 article by Amy Myers MD, "your skin is the largest organ in your body, your first defense against the outside world."...
According to March 20, 2020, a Medical News Today article says scientists discovered various species of Bifidobacterium that are able to enter tumors,...
A March 18, 2020 article in the American Journal of Gastroenterology reports that diarrhea and other digestive symptoms can be early signs of the Coro...
How Cannabis saved his sister and inspired Ogilvie's deep dive into "non-intoxicating cannabis R&D, product dev. Deepcell success now hinges b2b technology licensing to food products industry. Herbsprout.com discusses the state of the Cannabis industry with DeepCell Industries CEO Kelly Ogilvie. He invites us to look b...
Heard about Hinoki oil? It comes from a tree by the same name, the Hinoki Japanese cypress. A lemony, balsamic-scented oil, Hinoki is both soothing an...
A September 04, 2019 article in the New Scientist suggests that eating a proper amount of psychobiotics, a derivation of probiotics, can improve one's mental health. (see https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24332460-500-how-what-you-eat-directly-influences-your-mental-health/ ). Probiotics may help improve a variety of...
投稿日 2020-02-16 22:15
Tai: Diary
Natural products play an important role in the improvement of gastrointestinal tract function. Several Chinese medicine products such as Red Ginseng a...