Did you know Japan had delayed in the distribution of Covid-19 Vaccine? They are now saying, it may take another 8 months to vaccinate everyone over 6...
Dear valued customer, Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are always looking to improve the services we offer you. As such, we will be conducting a quality improvement for Dreamersi Mail service. The schedule is as follows: There will be a few minutes of downtime that will affect the use of the e...
投稿日 2021-04-15 05:53
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
Pacific Software Publishing では、4ページのホームページの作成( https://webdexpress.com のテンプレートを使って)をドメイン登録料+1年間のホスティング+SSLを含めて $550 でお受けしています。 お問い合わせは私まで。 ken.uchikur...
10:25am April 14 ... PSPINC is currently experiencing Internet outage due to the Zayo network outage. This is not affecting any of our services. It is...
Entrepreneurial Mentality Thirty-three and a half years have passed since I started my business. When I started my business, I did all the accounting,...
I guess PXG is employing the new pricing / product strategy. The new 211 Driver is under $300. I should take a look. There is a PXG store near my offi...
Have you heard of WebdeXpress, our in-house content management system? It was built to allow users to build a website quickly and easily without any c...
投稿日 2021-04-13 09:01
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
Pacific Software Publishing では、4ページのホームページを定額$250で開発いたします。本当なら28,000円と言いたいのですが、PSPINC は、米国の企業ですから、ドル建ての毛一切しかできません。すみません。 作成したホームページは PSPINC の Dreamers...
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. will develop 4 page website fro $250. Just choose the template you want and let us know what your website for. We wi...
Dreamersi ご利用のお客様各位 この度、Dreamersi に新機能「独自SSL の削除」機能を追加しましたのでお知らせ致します。 但し、SSL 証明書を一旦削除するとCSR も削除され、元に戻すことはできません。また新しい証明書を購入する必要がございますのでご注意ください。 ご不明な点がご...