Hosting a focus group to get more granular feedback from your customers is a great way learn what’s working, what’s not, and what the people want. The...
The best time to ask a customer about their experience with your business is immediately after your transaction or interaction with them. Life is busy...
Learning from our customers equips us with information to better our business. In a previous article we discussed using analytics as a tool to understand our customers’ online behavior. Now let’s talk about reaching out to those customers to get their feedback. One of the best and easiest ways to engage with your cus...
Sometimes we let our values or assumptions dictate our business decisions. But how do we know if we’re making decisions that appeal to our customers’ ...
Does your business offer customer service or support? Easily get customer feedback on how you're doing by using Pilot SBT's feedback system! https://www.pilotsbt.com/feedback