Last year, Microsoft announced they were favoring Microsoft Edge by retiring Internet Explorer after 25 years. The first version, known as Internet Explorer 1.0 was introduced in 1995 alongside Windows 95. However, it didn’t gain much traction because many users preferred using their competitors’ browsers, namely...
Over the last few years, cybersecurity has become increasingly important. With more employees working from home, it’s made organizations and their employees even more susceptible to cyber-attacks. Because of this, it’s become increasingly important for companies to protect themselves from potential hacks. According...
Dreamersi is Pacific Software Publishing Inc.'s (PSPINC) premiere web and mail hosting software and one we built in-house. We designed the mail server program, spam prevention measures, web environments, admin interfaces, and other tools that come with our hosting packages. When customers purchase one of our Dre...
Earlier this week, we announced that our password management software, Pass Wizard, officially came out of its beta stage. Pass Wizard was specifically designed to securely store and share passwords. We still have a free plan available, but we are now offering a paid plan for just $1.67/month (billed annually). Pro user...
We’re excited to share with you that Pass Wizard, our password management system, is now officially out! We still have a version that is free-to-use (store up to 30 passwords). However, we’ve also added a Pro version packed with many more features, including storing an unlimited number of passwords. At just $1....
Whether you’re a coder or not, some basic HTML and CSS knowledge is always a plus. While there are multiple website builders out there now that do all the heavy lifting, they’re not always perfect. Every once in a while, you’ll find a broken image. Or you’ll realize you want to re-format some text so that it’...
Pass Wizard, a cloud-based password management service that is currently in beta, will officially release soon. As of now, you can store 30 passwords for free, so please register and try it out. If you want to store more than 30 passwords, you can get our paid account, which will cost $19.95/year and will not have a pa...
Dear valued customer,Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.We are always looking to improve the services we offer you.As such, we will be conducting Dreamersi system update.We will be updating our phpmyadmin version from 4.9.4 to 5.1.1**Please note that phpmyadmin 5.1.1 does not work with php5.6....
投稿日 2016-02-23 07:32
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
PSPinc のホスティングサービスの新バージョンのリリースが近づいています。今日は営業スタッフを対象に新バージョンの機能説明を行いました。
投稿日 2000-01-01 19:28
■文字に色を付ける青にする< h5 style="color:blue" >文字青< /h5> 文字青 ■文字サイズを変える h1のサイズ h3のサイズ h6のサイズ フォントサイズを5にする< p >< font size="5" >font...