Starting next week on December 27th, we’ll be making the following adjustments to our Pass Wizard plans: We will be changing our free plan to store up...
お客様各位 平素より PSPINC のサービスまたPass Wizard をご利用いただき誠にありがとうございます。 この度、Pass Wizard にワンタイムパスワード(OTP: One Time Password)認証機能を追加しましたことをお知らせ致します。既存のテキストメッセージでの2段階...
We’re pleased to announce that Pass Wizard now supports one-time password (OTP) authentication. On top of text message two-factor authentication (SMS 2FA), it’s now easier for you to add another layer of security using common authenticator apps to generate a new OTP every 30 seconds. How to Enable OTP Authent...
Over the last few years, cybersecurity has become increasingly important. With more employees working from home, it’s made organizations and their employees even more susceptible to cyber-attacks. Because of this, it’s become increasingly important for companies to protect themselves from potential hacks. According...