One opf the best way to enjoy Onsen (Hot Springs) on the budget is gop on the day trip. This onsen in Kyoto offers Onsen and Lunch for 2,000yen (Under $18.00). What a great deal. There are many deals like this all over Japan. Do the google serach and find your Onsen. http://www.japanese-online.com
All teas came from China. 茶 is the kanji word for "Cha" or Tea. If you want a tea, you say "Ocha o Kudasai." Water is 水 mizu. If you want a whter, you...
If you have a chance, try traditional Japanese restaurant called Ryotei. 料亭: A ryōtei (料亭) is a type of luxurious traditional Japanese restaurant. Tra...
投稿日 2017-11-20 10:02
ウチクラ ケンイチ
This thursday is Thanksgiving and Friday is BLACK FRIDAY. I wanted t buy new Mac for a while and I am starting to see some deals ... but I cannot give myself a goahead to buy one one so close to the BLACK FRIDAY. I hope I get better deal than what I have been seeing last few days. The sales must be down this week b...
投稿日 2017-11-19 10:52
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
このサイトは、誰に送るのでもなく、誰に見せるでもないメッセージを書き込んで送るだけのサイトです。私は「天国の掲示板」と呼んでいます。 https://postinheaven.com 言ってみればインターネット版のお祈りのサイトのようなものです。何を書かれてもまったくどこにも記録は残りません。また、...
投稿日 2017-11-19 10:43
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I placed ring holder on iPhone X. I do not want to drop it. We still have few UCHIKURA CO ring holders .. Please let me know if you need some.
This branch looks like a word HITO in Japanese. Doesn't it look like person walking?
You shpuld not refrain from eating on the local trains. But when it comes to long distance train, you are allowed to eat at your seat. The rule of thumb is that if there is a table, you can eat your bento. If there is no atble, look around and see aif anyone is eating.
投稿日 2017-11-18 13:46
ウチクラ ケンイチ
This is my first iPhone X photo. It does not seem to have much improvement over iPhone 7 Plus. It is still no match for professional SLR.
For the price, this is absolutely the best tempura lunch you can get in Japan. The place is called MAKINO and their main store is in Osaka. You got to try this. http://www.toridoll.com/shop/makino/