Many of Japanese-Online.com users like Anime. Anima might be your biggest reason to learn Japanese language. Whatever the reason you may have, we really love to help. Let us communicate with you. Here is some examples of Animes comming in 2018.
Many of you already know what Kaiten Sushi is. Kaiten 回転 means ... round in circle. But there is another word Kaiten 開店 means complete different Kaite...
投稿日 2017-12-12 10:27
ウチクラ ケンイチ
We have less than 3 weeks to the end of this year. Are you planning to do something new next year? I am always planning but really never spend enough effort ... I will do more next year.
投稿日 2017-12-10 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Do you think products will sell if they were cheaper? No, they will not sell just because they were cheaper. First of all, you must have products people want. Then they will sell more if they were cheaper than anyone else.
If you have a chance to buy one thing from Japan, what would you buy? Please let me know. Popular choices are - Food Item (Tell me What) - Clothing - Toys - Tech Gear - Glasses - Camera - Movies / Bluray - Books - Electronics - Car / Motorcycle
投稿日 2017-12-09 09:17
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Due to the heavier volume of the traffic, site counter has crushed twice in last 1 week. I really need to look into it. It is ver 700 visitors inice the start. Http://www.postinheaven.com
I just got my Christmas present that I bought for myself, New Macbook Pro. I have set it up as a new PC because this has 500GB SSD but Mac Mini I ma using has 2TB hard disk. I will slowly transfer my apps and flies to new Mac and turn Mac Mini into an OSX Server.
If you have craving for American Foods in Japan ... Do not worry, there are plenty. But there are thins you need to know ... (1) Portions are smaller than you find in the US. (2) Menu is not always the same. (3) Prices might little higher in Japan. (4) Large soft-drinks in Japan are smaller than the small in the US. (5) ...
投稿日 2017-12-08 09:00
ウチクラ ケンイチ
The idea is for ypu to promote and sell online for free. We are currently testing the alpha version of the service. This service at this point do not have transaction features but uyou can still post your products for promotions. Try it, it is absolutely free.
投稿日 2017-12-07 09:29
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Japanese-Online.com Designed to be a community site for people interested in Japanese language and culture of Japan. The site was originally developed back in 1996 was one of the first website developed by Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. At that point, Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. developed and sold KanjiKit, the utility so...