When you spend money marketing .. Your goal should not be try to sell one product ... rather you should try to create a brand image. One you are successful in creating recognizable brand, your marketing should be more effective and less costly.
This is a very interesting comparison. The largest hotel group started in 1974, owns 8,000 hotels, employs 32,000 people is worth $7 Billion dollars. airbnb started in 2008, owns no hotel, employs 2,000 people is worth $30 Billion dollars. What do you think? Do you think airbnb worth more than 4 times WYNDHAM HOTEL GR...
I visited my friend, Tim Girvin's new office.He showed me his calligraphy skills. He ask me to find a customer in Japan so that he ca ravel to Japan. I will try!!!
投稿日 2016-12-17 09:20
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
こんなドメインをテストで購入して持っています。 PSPinc のホスティングを1年間使ってくれる($250)のを条件に無料で1年後にお譲りしますけどご興味のある方はいませんか? その後も PSPinc のホスティングを使ってくれるとうれしいですが・・・ 早い者勝ちです。 http://daifuku...
Mayumi made this for everyone ... I think she is telling us to cook something.
投稿日 2016-12-13 12:51
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
次回の日本出張の予定が決まりました。 2017年1月31日 シアトル → バンクーバー 1027年2月1日 → 成田 → 伊丹 2017年2月10日 成田 → バンクーバ → シアトル 成田 → 伊丹 は ANA を使いますが、それ以外は全て Air Canada を使います。本当は シアトル ...
Those pictures are taken by Bruce Johnson of Rowland Photo ( http://www.rowlandphoto.com ). When professional takes photos ... You can really see the difference. Thank you. Bruce.
投稿日 2016-12-10 15:42
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
We just finished 2016 Holiday Party at PSPinc. Thank you, everybody, for coming. We will make 2017, out 30th Anniversary Year, even better than this year. Thank you all for all your support.
It was snowing very hard and I thought we might have to postpone our party. But the snow turned into rain and we can proceed with our plan. What a relief! Those pictures were taken last night.