We have released a new tool, Mailbox Repair Tool to Dreamersi. This tool will attempt to correct issues where emails received may not appear in your i...
Dreamersi ご利用のお客様各位 この度、Dreamersi に新機能「メールボックス修復」機能を追加いたしました。 受信箱のメールが正しく表示されないなどの不具合が発生した場合に、ボタン一つで修復できる機能です。Dreamersi ログイン後の管理画面からご利用頂けます。 ご不明な点がござい...
メールがループする現象が発生している最中に受信したメールの中に、件名に[UNCHECKED]のタグが付いて配送されたメールがございました。 通常、何等かの理由でウィルスチェックがされなかった場合に[UNCHECKED]と付きますが、今回は正常にウィルスチェックが動作していたにも関わらず誤ってスタンプ...
All emails that were looping during the incident have [UNCHECKED] in the subject. Those emails were properly virus checked although they happend to ha...
We have been running facebook advertisements on Dreamersi.com Domain, Web and Email hosting. When you run an advertisement, you have an access to the place called AdCenter. From the AdCenter you can control your advertisement. Also, it tell you how your advertisements are doing. Please take look at images above wi...
投稿日 2019-09-10 12:24
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I found this on eBay ... I bought it ... it was shipped from Japan. Have you seen this??? #NewtoneMate #Apple
We are still battling with email issues started around 1:00pm (PDT). If you re not receiving or unable to send email, please bare with us. We will keep you posted. If you need t talk someone, please can us 1-800-232-3989 or 425-864-2012
Currently we are expecting very heaver email traffic to our servers. This is causing our system to slow down and not being able to deliver email. This has started around 1:30pm on 9/9/19. We will keep you posted when it becomes normal.
ブログルは、広告のない、匿名を許さない、しかも無料のブログサービスです。これは先週のユーザーランキングです。 1 神戸:ファルコンの散歩メモ ファルコン https://jp.bloguru.com/falcon 2 いつまでも起業家 Forever Entrepreneur 内倉憲一 https:...
投稿日 2019-09-09 10:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
you want organic traffic coming to your website and social media ... To do that your site need to be listed high on the search engine such as Google, Bing and yahoo. The way you modify the website to be listed high is called "Search Engine Optimization (SEO)". You can also boost your listing by placing advertisement on Se...