After the successful launch of coffee machine at our HQ building, we have installed another coffee machine at R&D building today. We got this coffee machine from https://www.agorarefreshments.com It is a hit.
Today Mayumi Nakamura, Director of Business Development, was one of the chosen presenters for the first Seattle Executives Association meeting of 2020...
Coffee machine went down yesterday and it was fixed today. So many people missed coffee from this machine. We are happy to have it back.
今週はトップに変化がありました。 最近今まであまり目立たなかったユーザー様の活躍が目につようになってきました。素晴らしいことです。今年も皆さん頑張ってください。 1猫の揺りかご BloghotaruVisit Bloguru 2神戸:ファルコンの散歩メモファルコンVisit Bloguru 3神戸角...
Today is the fist day that businesses in Japan start working in 2020. Because of the long new year holidays, we had huge traffic hike. In addition, on...
New Year Message I hope your 2019 was good for you and 2020 will be even better. In 2018, I lost Pompom and in 2019 we lost Tiny. It has been a sad couple of years when it comes to our beloved friends, but they are now together in heaven looking down on us. In the last two years, we have released a few products ...
We proud ourselves to be the best service company for our customers. There is no problem that is too small. If you have a problem or question, please contact us.
This video was taken on Feb 22, 2019. This is one of the products we released in 2019.
We hope you all will have safe and prosperous 2020.
今年も1年間ありがとうございました。 来年もよろしくお願いいたします。 1神戸:ファルコンの散歩メモファルコン Visit 2豆腐日記【毎日豆腐食べてます】豆腐 Visit 3神戸角打ち学会(至福の立ち呑み)神戸のおいさん Visit 5my favoritebirdy Visit 6いつまでも起業...