Second person died from Coronavirus in the US was also at EvergreenHeath in Kirkland, Washington. It is still not a serious number. There are more people die from the gun shots, car accidents and influenza. I do not like the fact media is trading it like a end of the world. And politician is reacting to it like a way to gain ...
今週のブログルランキングです。 今回のランキングでは、最後の欄に先週との変化を%で表示しました。 表示がないばあいは、先週の得点がゼロの場合です。 1神戸:ファルコンの散歩メモファルコンVisit6.62% 2神戸角打ち学会(至福の立ち呑み)神戸のおいさんVisit-12.42% 3いつまでも起業家...
When you really think about it, it is not the end of the world pandemic. It sounds scarcely but in the US, Traffic Accident, Gun clime, Influenza or suicide, each one kills >100 times more people. It is the media causing people to panic. I was at the outlet today. I have never seen so little people there. There was not even a ...
The first death was reported at Evergreen Health in Kirkland, Washington. It was the hospital that I got my colonoscopy in December last year. Hearing what is going on ice China, Iran, Korea, Italy and Japan made me concerned but hearing something this close to our hime makes it really scarcely. However, although the c...
Company lunch today. I hope everyone enjoyed.
We are starting to overhaul MegaMail (secure Large File Transfer System) now. Back in September 2004, we have published the system enabling people to send large file using Internet and our datacenter. It was a hit and we kept it un until 2013. Since then, we have not done mony update due to the fact there are other se...
Stock market is at free fall. We lost all the gain from last August. The coronavirus is not showing the sign of slowing down.
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is a small business with little less than 50 people in our staff. When we needed a software to manage our business activities with our clients (CRM), we could not find anything and we did not want to pay anything. So we created our own CRM software to manage customer data and we called ...
The point of Help Desk software is to help you provide better customer service more efficiently. You can have wonderful, friendly and knowledgeable cu...
You can setup your email client to access your email with POP or IMAP. If you use multiple devices to access your email server, you MUST use IMAP.